A Blog about a clever boy and a mom determined to out-smart him.

Saturday, July 31, 2010


On Thursday three high school boys from our youth group came to do yard work. They were raising money for their senior trip and I had saved some chores for the occasion.

I couldn't help but find it entertaining. Two of them tried unsuccessfully to start my weed eater. When it wouldn't work they suggested we watch a YouTube video to learn how to start it. I watched a few and couldn't start it either. Finally we gave up and they started mowing and weeding. One kid asked me how to use a hoe. I secretly rolled my eyes a bit. They asked me if they could use our chainsaw and I agreed only because I knew we would never get it started either.

What they lacked in knowledge they made up for in enthusiasm and humor. A couple of hours later they opened the door and yelled for me. They told me they had found a snake in my yard! I hate snakes and was immediately alarmed. I ordered them to get rid of it they were completely perplexed that I did not want to keep it. They explained it was harmless and I offered to give them a box to take it home. They loved the idea and launched into a loud unsuccessful effort to capture the snake. Apparently the snake now lives under my front steps - disgusting.

When it started raining they came inside. While I made cookies I could hear them each awkwardly reading a page of The Little Blue Truck to my son. I peaked in and saw my son perched on chair staring at them like they were from mars.

The kids devoured about 2 dozen cookies. When their sponsor showed up to take them home they grabbed handfuls of cookies and sprinted out the door into the rain. I could hear them yelling, "Save the cookies," as they tried to keep the sweets dry.

I thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon. Those guys were awesome and this is why I think high school boys are hilarious.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Friday Adventure

Jess had racked up enough hours at work while traveling that he didn't have to go into the office today.  Instead he tagged along for our Friday Adventure and it was great to have my best buddy along for the drive.  The weather was perfect for a trip to Butler's Orchard plus it's my favorite season - Blackberry Season!

When I woke up this morning I prayed that we would have a lovely day with JAC. JAC has been having a hard time adjusting to Jess' return and I hoped he would be on his best behavior. JAC wasn't just well behaved. He was adorable. He caught on to berry picking right away. By the time we reached the end of the row his mouth and fingers were stained purple.

The weather was beautiful. The berries were ripe and delicious. My husband was sweet and everything felt romantic. We left with bunches of blackberries for pie and blueberries for muffins. I can't wait to bake. On the ride home the guys both fell asleep and I smiled to myself. The day couldn't have been better.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Home Again

We picked Jess up from the airport yesterday afternoon. I love airports. I always meet the most interesting people. I always leave feeling like a photographer because I learn only short snapshots about random people's lives. Have I ever told you that I once met a Grammy winner on an airplane?

We were so excited to see Jess that we arrived 20 minutes early. In my rush I had forgotten to calculate the duration of time spent in customs. There were 18 plane loads of people all at customs so we waited an extra hour. JAC passed the time lying on the airport floor and conning grapes from a sweet grandmother.

Finally Jess came out and I let JAC run past the gate to meet him. The first moments JAC acted completely bewildered. Then, he gave Jess a big hug around the legs and refused to leave him for the next hour.

It was wonderful to have Jess home. Strangely, the moment I hugged him I felt instantly tired. It was as if finally having someone to lean on allowed me to relax. We went to bed early and this morning Jess went to work.

JAC and I have both been in a horrible mood this morning. It seems especially difficult to have Jess so close but not get to hang out with him. I can't wait for the weekend. I want hours of time with my sweet, handsome husband.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

My Dilemma

I have a current and pressing dilemma.   20 minutes after putting JAC in his crib for a nap I knew something was wrong.  He was screaming and I could tell he was in pain.  I rushed in to find him with a bloody lip.  His blanket was piled up in the corner and I'm pretty sure he was using it in an escape attempt.

I knew this day would come but I have been dreading it.  Keeping JAC in his crib provided us with a little sanity.  He was in confined space and I didn't have to worry.  Now his escape attempt indicates it is time to move him into a "big kid bed" and I hate the idea.

I don't hate it because I'm sentimental and wish to hold onto babyhood.  I just know it will be a pain in the neck to keep him in bed without restraints. 

The first night Jess was out of town I attempted to let JAC sleep with me.  I was feeling nervous and he was up late crying.  The plan turned into a disaster.  JAC would reach over in the middle of the night and grab my face.  He then located my necklace and started chewing on it while I was wearing it.  These antics were only interrupting by him repeatedly jumping out of bed, running into the living room and then crying because it was dark.  Eventually I threw him back in his crib.  I hate the idea of the "big boy bed."

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

New Car

Sadly, Little Jogger our running stroller fell apart.  After nearly 2,500 miles she just won't go anymore.  I couldn't help but feel a little melancholy about it.  JAC did not share my sentiments.  He hated riding in that stroller and frequently expressed his unhappiness through loud bouts of screaming on the running trail and determined attempts to escape.

Luckily, our bike trailer converts into a jogging stroller but it too bulky for quick trips around the neighborhood so I bought JAC a car. He likes it much more than the stroller and I like how quick and it easy it is to use.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Five Good and One Bad

Its Saturday and I have a list for you.  I love lists.  Here are five great things that have happened in the last 72 hours.

1. My neighbor came and offered to groom my poor dog. She likely felt sorry for the mangy mutt. It was such a nice treat not to pay for grooming. I need to post before and after pictures. You won't think its the same dog.

2. I bought fabric and new scissors. Tomorrow I sew or at least attempt.

3. I had a wonderful lunch with my cousins at Union Station. Did I mentioned that they are patient and kind and sweet?

4. My friend Toni invited us over to swim. I don't know what was better the swimming or the friendship.

5. Friday Girls' Night dinner was a blast.

Here's the one bad thing. It is 102 degrees here and humid - very humid - and the church air conditioning has gone out. I'm praying for a short sermon.

A Thursday Adventure

JAC and I are not adventuring this Friday.  We are getting ready to host my small gathering of chicks tonight.  I'm actually really excited.  We're eating lots of tasty junk food.  I plan on exercising twice today to accommodate all the extra calories.

Yesterday JAC and I went on an Adventure. We visited the Newseum and met up with my cousin and his  wife who were in town for a conference. The Newseum features the news. It was actually very interesting but I didn't see much of it.

JAC was absolutely Horrid. In a matter of an hour he threw himself on the floor in a fit approximately 15 times. These displays of defiance were only interrupted by long bouts of whining. By the end every ounce of me wanted to give that kid a spanking! I think someday when JAC wonders why he doesn't have a sibling I'll just say, "The Newseum."

My cousin and his wife were patient, gracious and sweet. It was great to see them even if JAC was horrible. I just wished they could have seen the charming version of my child.

On a fun note, something exciting did happen. As we were exiting the metro the police hurried us away and cordoned off the area. There was a suspicious package and they were shutting down the block. This seems to happen often in DC. They are very vigilant about packages and some deviant part of me just loves a good bomb scare.

Friday, July 23, 2010

In Transit

JAC learned to open the car windows about six months ago. Ever since, he has proceeded to push the window button about a billion times per car ride. He seemed to enjoy it so much that I never thought of encouraging him to stop but the habit was driving Jess crazy.

On Wednesday we were driving across town and stopped at a busy intersection. I was alarmed to look in my rear-view mirror and see a large burly workman approaching my window. I rolled down my window and he explained, "Your kid has been throwing his stuff out the window since 22nd street!"

I drove around the block to survey the damage and scattered along the street was a shattered sippy cup. I wish I could say that I cleaned it up but it was a really busy street. Later that afternoon I locked the windows.

Yesterday we were driving home from the metro and I heard a distraught yell. I glanced back and JAC was desperately pushing and pushing the window button frustrated that it would not go down. I couldn't help but chuckle. Score one for the mom.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

It's My Birthday

My birthday is the best day of the year.  I love every moment of it.  This year thanks to my wonderful family I cleaned up.  My mom bought me a new sewing machine and I couldn't be more excited.  Friends and family please anticipate receiving random cloth articles with crooked stitches as I enthusiastically learn to sew.

I enjoyed multiple birthday phone calls and Facebook well wishes.  I salivated over my birthday cash and relished every ounce of attention doted on me. 

JAC and I went to a farm and puppet show this morning.  We met up with my friend and birthday buddy Rebecca (we have the same birthday) and ate a picnic lunch.  JAC was scared to death of the goats and cows but proved very fond of the ducks and lazy sheep. 

I have had a great day so far but the best part was hearing from my handsome husband.  He used Skype to call my cell and it was lovely to hear his voice.  It was even better than the flowers he sent.  I put the phone to JAC's ear and his whole face lit up.  That kid is crazy about his dad!

Happy Birthday to me!  Thanks to all my friends and family who helped make it special.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


It's Tuesday which is typically one of my favorite days of the week.  Today we have ordinary things planned but we have lots to look forward to this week.  This is going to be a great week.  Friday I'm hosting two of my great friends for a girl's night.  I'm so excited and I've already started planning what I should cook.  I think I'll do an array of appetizers.  I could eat appetizers for every meal.  I like small easy to chew food. 

I need some good party food ideas.  What is your favorite appetizer?  Is there a food that makes your heart patter with joy when you see it on a buffet table?  I would love some great ideas.

Monday, July 19, 2010


A few days ago I ran into the book store and got stuck. I swear that place is like a vortex. I wanted to buy JAC two new books but when I walked in I saw books that I loved or could potentially love in every corner. I couldn't help be excited about sharing all those wonderful books with JAC in the future.

I like to read before I go to sleep but I've noticed only certain books are good "going to bed books." The book has to be interesting enough to hold your attention but not so interesting that you stay up for hours unable to put it down.

Recently I've been working my way through a book called Riding the Iron Rooster. It is written by my favorite travel writer and is his account of riding trains throughout China.

When I went to Mongolia we rode the train from Beijing and I feel in love with train travel. I think I could live on a train and be happy for most of my life. This week it has been so hot here in D.C that every inch of me has been tempted to jump on the train with JAC and head north to a cooler climate. This autumn I plan to take the train to Vermont and watch the changing leaves the whole way. Some day before I die I will take the train from Russia to China. But, until that day I'll just read about it.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Salute to the Tired

With Jess gone I'm on my own. I don't mind it until I reach this point. I am utterly exhausted. All I want to do is nap. JAC has spent all afternoon refusing to nap. I can hear him jumping on his bed and I'm praying. My eyes are closing every few seconds. I can't help but think about all those single moms who have no break in sight and are remaining tough.

I like to say, "I'm doing great, until I'm not." We have had a great week and I thought I was holding everything together until I didn't. On Wed I was going to drive to the running trail. Fortunately the road was blocked off and we returned home only a few minutes later. When we pulled into the driveway I looked back and was shocked to see JAC standing in the floorboard playing with his toys. He was very happy. I was a little scared. Apparently in my rush I forgot to buckle him into his car seat. We all survived and I will be more vigilant.

Today I want to give a virtual pat on the back to the single moms. I'll also include the wives of deployed troops. They have to be twice as tired as I feel yet they keep trucking on. Good Job Ladies! Today you're my inspiration.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Friday Adventure

This morning JAC and I fed the hungry.  Actually we fed 55 hungry teenagers with the help of my great friend Rebeca.  We made a breakfast burrito bar and delivered the food bright and early.  I think the kids liked it and we had a great time serving such an exuberant bunch of eaters.

We scrambled 7 dozen eggs and cooked 6 packages of sausage.   We chopped and sauteed peppers.  We made huge quantities of black beans and pico de gallo.  We provided juice, tortillas and cheese.  I tasted everything and it was delicious.  I definitely couldn't have done it without Rebecca's help. 

Lately I've helped with two all church fellowship meals and of course fed the youth.  I've decided I really enjoy feeding large quantities of people.  Maybe I'll run a soup kitchen some day or have 18 kids.  On second thought...

Tonight I'm taking JAC to the symphony.  I doubt he'll last long but luckily it's free.  My cousin Shanell alerted me to Target's program to bring the arts to families.  The Kennedy Center is participating and I can't wait to take JAC.  Here's the website:

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Bed Time

Jess left almost a week ago and to his credit, JAC has been on his best behavior.  He has been sweet and charming.  It has made my job much easier.

Unfortunately, bedtime has gotten progressively worse. JAC has begun to cry inconsolable when I put him in his crib. Typically JAC goes to bed without a fight but his wailing was so alarming that tonight I thought he had injured himself.

I went into his room to check on him. JAC was standing in his crib, tears streaming down his face and it finally dawned on me. When Jess is home he always puts JAC in bed. They have a night time ritual of wrestling, and story reading. Jess finishes the job by wrapping JAC tightly in his blankets and calling him a "JAC Burrito." I secretly listen to this nightly routine from the top of the stairs and it never fails to make me smile.

I took one look at JAC tonight and I knew what was wrong. He was a disappointed kid waiting for his dad to come home. It broke my heart a bit. I hugged him, gave him some chocolate milk and read him his dinosaur book. Finally he went to sleep.

JAC's a good kid with a great Dad. I know when he sees him in a couple of weeks he'll be infinitely happy. I know I'll feel the same way.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

17 Days and Counting

Jess sent me an email this morning.  He is safe and hard at work in Sarajevo.  I am determined to make the best of this and I've already made a plan.  Here's how it goes:

1. Clean the house on the first day and then abandon all house work.
2. Eat only girl food. I love not having to cook. JAC and I went to the store and bought Lean Cuisine, Salad components, fruit and fudge-icicles. I'm plan to live off that stuff.
3. Plan some good adventures. I've been filling out my calendar with possible adventures. It should be fun.
4. Work out. There is nothing like an endorphin high to keep your spirits up.
5. Throw a girl party. I'm going to put JAC to bed and have a couple of friends over. I'm thinking chips, salsa, and a pitcher of margaritas.

I'll keep you posted on how it goes. I'm sure by day 7 I'll be crying and complaining but today I am feeling pretty positive.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Annual Drive In Road Trip

Every year we make the hour and half long trek to the drive-in movie.  It's my favorite way to see a movie. I love the cheap prices.   I love being outside.  I love having room to wiggle and I love the scenic drive to get there.  I know 3-D is all the rage but I'll take and outdoor screen and sound from a speaker box any day.

We saw Despicable Me and Toy Story 3.   Despicable Me was absolutely adorable but I slept through Toy Story.  We didn't get home until 2:00 in the morning but we had a great time.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Date Night

Jess is flying to Sarajevo this week but before he leaves we're going on a date.  We're trying to log some quality time before we're apart for a few weeks.  I can't quite decide what to wear.  Here are the three options.  Let me know what you think.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Bad Hair Day

JAC's having a bad hair day. On a hair day this bad you should find a hat. I wear a hat when I run to keep the sweat out of my eyes. Here's my random tip for cleaning your ball caps:

Add them to the top shelf of your dishwasher. They'll come out clean without distorting a well-shaped bill.

Do you have and random great tips? I would love to hear them. I hope everyone is having an awesome weekend.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Friday Adventure

JAC and I just returned from a great adventure. We're both hot and sweaty but it was well worth it. I combined my run with our adventure again this week. We went and ran along the C&O Canal and made a stop by Great Falls, MD. This is one of my favorite spots near D.C. While we've been there many times before, I always see something new and it never fails to impress me.

The C&O Canal was the brainchild of George Washington. He thought the canal would increase river commerce along the Potomac. The canal flopped economically, but the remaining tow path and scenic waterway create a great place to go on a long run.

When I planned this adventure I thought seeing the falls would be the highlight. I enjoyed the falls but climbing the on the rocks along the trail seemed most interesting to JAC. He climbed for almost an hour and I was very impressed. My kid seemed like a virtual mountain goat.

I have missed the mountains all week. While this trail isn't in the mountains it reminded me of the mountains and that will have to do for now. Happy Friday.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

My Thoughts on Yoga

I am not flexible at all. I can't even touch my toes. I've never been able to touch my toes. I'm sure this means my future as a professional cheerleader is not going to work out. This is entirely unfortunate.

I thought I would try some yoga. I have heard lots of guys talk about yoga girls being hot and I'm sure that is a good reason to take up a new exercise. I was also hoping to perhaps improve my flexibility and stand on my head. I thought it would be a good bar trick.

I tried yoga and I know one thing. It is completely boring. I kept checking my watch wondering when it was going to end. I have also decided I am not mature enough to participate in yoga. Every time the instructor said, "Get into the downward dog pose," I wanted to bark. I won't even go into what thoughts came into my head during other poses.

I think I'll stick with running. I wouldn't mind taking up boxing. Are female boxers hot?

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Happy Tuesday

Tuesday has always been one of my favorite days of the week.  I typically feel productive on Tuesdays.  Last night I checked our weather online in order to plan my weekly adventures and received quite a shock.  It's going to be over 100 degrees for most of the week.  I can't ever remember it being this hot in DC and frankly I'm chagrined.  I've started making a list of fun "beat the heat" activities for the week.  It currently includes a trip to the Children's Museum and perhaps an excursion to the beach.  I was hoping my friends from warmer climates could share some good ideas.  How are you beating the heat this summer?

Friday, July 2, 2010

Friday Adventure....technical difficulties

This blog is driving me a bit bonkers. First it wouldn't allow comments. Now it won't allow me to post pictures. I'll post them on facebook and you can check them out there. If your a computer nerd have mercy on me and tell me how to fix my blog.

Friday Adventure:

The weather has been so beautiful here that I knew we needed to go on an outside adventure. We headed to Burke Lake Park. We ran the five mile trail circling the lake and finished off by riding the train. JAC hasn't been feeling well but I think he liked parts of the trip and I know I loved being outside on such a pretty day.


I need some help. I few weeks ago I tried to make my blog a little more fancy and unfortunately created a glitch. No one could write comments. In a last effort to fix it I've gone back to the boring template. Please try leaving me a quick comment so I'll know if it worked. Or you can send me an email at

Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Worst

I have listed my favorite parts of motherhood before. Here are my least favorite parts.

1. Complete Isolation: We try to spice up our daily routine. We go to mom's groups or to the park. Nevertheless we still spend a lot of time alone. The feeling of isolation can become overwhelming. I always carry my phone just in case another human wants to talk to us during the day.

2. Communication: Desperately trying to figure out what a little person who can't talk yet is attempting to communicate is very frustrating.

3. When the Backup Needs Backup: Hypothetically when you're at the end of your parenting rope your spouse will take over. Unfortunately it never fails that you both reach the end of your ropes at the same moment. Both parents want to sleep in on a weekend or your husband comes home from work sick.

4. Laundry: It never ever ends. I sometimes imagine our dirty clothes procreate and multiply spontaneously in the wash room.

5. Sometimes I just don't like my child. I'm sure he sometimes feels the same way about me. I feel very guilty about this.

7. Sick Kids: My little guys is feeling bad. I hate helplessly watching him suffer. I always want to cuddle him when he feels bad but he typically hates this.

8. Losing Your Favorite Hobbies: You just can't Kayak with a wiggly 18th month old. This week I am majorly in the mood for a road trip. Unfortunately JAC doesn't share my enthusiasm for long car rides.

9. The Spectrum: There is a very wide spectrum of what is considered acceptable parenting. Lots of people have strong opinions on the subject.

10. Your Abs: They'll never be exactly the same post-baby. You just have to embrace it.