A Blog about a clever boy and a mom determined to out-smart him.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

A List

I have not written a post in a long time.  I had writing fatigue.  The Connelly House is in a state of change and we are enjoying every minute of it.  Here is a quick list of what is happening here in Kathmandu.

1. Summer has settled on our valley.  The dust and heat permeate every inch of the valley and we are taking refuge every afternoon at the pool.

2. We have two new fluffy members of our family.  On in impulse I bought two white baby bunnies.  They were crammed into a tiny wire cage and sold on a busy street corner.  They looked desperately hot and I purchased the pair without thinking twice.  Now they alternate between hopping around our yard gorging themselves on my flowers and hiding in sheer panic from my dog.

3. We have just bid farewell to our first round of post Spring visitors.  My brother and sister-in-law stopped by and we spent 6 days backpacking the remote regions of Nepal.  We are sad they have left but are looking forward to a steady stream of visitors until Christmas.

4. Finally, I got a job.  I am a party planner, event organizer, potluck coordinator, report writer, volunteer coordinator and general promoter of happiness.  So far I love the job and it was a great excuse to buy some new clothes.

I promise to write more very soon.


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