A Blog about a clever boy and a mom determined to out-smart him.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The End of a Thankful Month

As the month of thankfulness comes to a close and we move into a month of celebration I'll take time to evaluate things.  If you subtract the usual things people are thankful for - housing, provision, family and love - I know I am most thankful for one thing.  I am thankful for our neighborhood park.  If you have followed the blog for long you might have recognized the pictures of our park.  The park saves my sanity.  When trapped inside with a wild child I go mildly insane.  Eventually I look at him and know it is time.  It is time for our daily march to the park.  We walk three blocks with our poor dog in tow.  We might play an hour or twenty minutes but I always leave feeling a little better.  JAC always leaves covered in sand and leaves.  Today it rained all morning and when it stopped the world was a giant mud hole.  I hesitated for a moment.  Was the march to the park worth tromping through mud?  Was it worth two wardrobe changes since we were destined to come home wet and muddy?  Was it worth having to scrub mud out of my carpet and clean little dog paws?  Absolutely! The park never fails to be worth it.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Hiking with a Two Year Old

I'm listening to Christmas music on Pandora and eating mass quantities of trail mix.  The house feels very empty because my brother and Lady have returned home to Miami.  I feel a bit lonely and more than a bit frustrated with JAC's refusal to nap.

While my brother was here I decided we should go to the Shenandoah, drive Skyline Drive and hike.  Its a 1.5 hour drive out there but I knew it would be worth it.  The Shenandaoh Mountains are beautiful and hiking is always fun.

When we finally made it to the trail head JAC was ready to get out of the car.  We bundled him up in eight layers of clothes and prepared for the frigid hike.  JAC hiked for approximately two minutes and then sat down and cried.  We convinced him to hike another 30 minutes but he cried the whole time.  Finally Jess volunteered to take JAC back to the truck.  We hiked a few miles farther and finally called it quits.

We drove three hours round trip to hike for only an hour.  Jess and JAC played with post-it notes in the truck while they waited for us to return.  It was great to be outside but I think when hiking with a two year old you should stay close to home.   The sad part is, Jess gently tried to suggest we hike locally but I wouldn't listen.  Here are a couple pictures from our winter hiking fiasco.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Post Turkey Ramble

We just returned from an absolutely frigid hiking trip in the Shenandoah mountains.  I hiked wearing four layers and still felt cold in the 33 degree windy weather.  JAC felt cold too.  He walked for approximately three minutes and then melted down into an absolute cry fest.  Finally his dad took him back to the truck.

JAC is currently in his room trying to nap. My brother is visiting and in the excitement JAC has refused to nap for the last three days. I am currently channelling my inner prison guard. I am sitting outside his room. If he tries to get out of bet I'm calling in the warden.

A few minutes ago JAC was banging on his door. He wanted out and he had a good reason. I opened his door and he greeted me with a gigantic mound of green poo in his hand. Babies are disgusting.

Turkey Day rocked. I couldn't have asked for things to turn out better. The turkey was juicy the sides were yummy and the company superb. I couldn't have pulled it off without my sister in law, Lady. She worked like a slave. I think she hand-washed five loads of dishes while helping cook. I love her.

I'm about to go make enchiladas. My brother loves enchiladas and I love cooking for my brother. He is such an enthusiastic eater. I have loved having family in my house. It feels like a tight hug...not to mention the free babysitting.

Yesterday we went to the east wing of the National Gallery of Art. They had an awesome Munch exhibit. Munch was a great print maker and print making is probably my favorite form of art. Here is a random fact for you: More pieces of Munch artwork have been stolen than works of any other artist.

I hope everyone has had a great weekend. Tomorrow I put Lady and my brother on a plane. The idea of it makes me feel a bit lonely. Rather than dwell on it we are going to go chop down a Christmas tree.

I'll end this on a positive note.  My husband is upstairs doing dishes.  I didn't even have to ask.  He also did all of the post Thanksgiving dishes and let me sleep in the following day.  I have a really great husband.  Has your husband done something really awesome lately?  If you don't have a husband, is there someone in you life who has selflessly made your day better lately?

I'm off to cook enchiladas.  I'm pretty sure my son is finally asleep.

Friday, November 26, 2010

When Left Unsupervised

 Where have you found you're child lately?  If I leave JAC unsupervised for just one minute I find him climbing something.  His skill are impressive but a little scary.  Yesterday I found him attempting to climb on my fireplace mantle. 

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Some days I really want to wear fishnets and too much black eyeliner.  There is that inner part of me that just really wants to be bad so when I discovered D.C had a roller derby league I knew I had to check it out.  On Sunday night the whole family went to the D.C armory to watch Scare Force One take on the Cherry Blossom Bombs.

Apparently Roller Derby has a renewed following because we waited in line for half an hour. As I looked through the crowd I was very surprised. I had heard Roller Derby was a "sub-culture movement," but the crowd was a mix of yuppies and families. There was even a group of dads who set up a pack-n-play on the front row.

I expected roller derby to be very rough and fast-paced. It was actually pretty mild and perhaps a bit boring. We got bored and left early. I think the best part was the costumes and goofy skater names. It was an interesting evening but I think I'll have to get my bad-girl fix somewhere else.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Baby Bag

JAC stayed with us for the entire Sunday church service.  We typically take him to nursery but this week we let him stay in the auditorium.  When the service was over Jess and I were exhausted.  It took every ounce of patience and creativity to keep JAC quiet. 

On Sunday's I am always reminded that it really does take a village to raise a child. Six people sit on our usual pew and every one of them contribute to keeping JAC entertained. One person lets JAC play with her iphone and another slips him candy or draws pictures.

This Sunday I used every trick in my baby bag. The service seemed extra long and I felt like every prayer was double its usual length. Recently I switched from carrying a baby bag to carrying a backpack. I much prefer the backpack.

Here is a list of goofy things I keep in the backpack to entertain JAC. What is in your purse/baby bag or backpack? Do you have any great tips or tricks?

1. Old makeup mirror - JAC likes to make funny faces in the mirror
2. Calculator - Its endlessly fun to push buttons
3. Board Books
4. Straws from the fast food joint - JAC likes to blow threw them or use them as weapons. He also thinks it is funny if I pick things up by sucking through them.
5. Fine point felt pen - I draw funny faces on his fingers.
6. Chapstick - JAC thinks it is a treat to put it on
7. Starburst Candy - I hide it and only use it in case of emergencies

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Friday Adventure

On Friday JAC, Becca and I visited the National Cathedral.  I have mentioned before that this is my favorite D.C tourist attraction.  It is absolutely incredible.  JAC hated this adventure and spent a good bit of time rolling on the floor.  His screaming echoed through the cathedral and I quickly escorted him out.  It was a quick adventure but worth the trip.  I took a few pictures and enjoyed spending time with Becca.  My time with JAC was less enjoyable but perhaps next week I will pick a more "kid-friendly" adventure.  The word adventure means: A gamble or risk in hopes of a favorable outcome.  The outcome wasn't particularly favorable but that's what a good adventure is all about - the gamble.

Monday, November 22, 2010

When You're in a Hurry

Lately I've been in a hurry.  This is largely because I'm always trying to cram one extra thing into the day.  On Saturday I was in a big hurry.  JAC and I had a lunch date but I thought I could fit in a quick morning run.  It was an excellent run but the last hill slowed me down.  By the time I returned home I had exactly two minutes to shower.  I made a mad dash to get ready and ordered JAC to stay on his red carpet.

JAC typically will stay on his red carpet but some things are just too enticing to resist. While I took a two minute shower JAC spied a bag of powdered sugar on my kitchen table and climbed up. When I stepped out of the shower I knew things were too quiet. I walked into my kitchen still wet and clad only in a towel.  I discovered JAC devouring fistfuls of powered sugar. It was a seven cup bag and I'm sure JAC was wearing three cups.  He had consumed another two. He looked like a giant snowball. When I tried to grab him he took off running and rolled all over my furniture. A great blizzard of sugar covered my whole house.

We were late for lunch but JAC seemed entirely pleased with himself. It is the season of hurry, snow and sugar. Within two minutes we had all three.  Happy Holidays Friends! 

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Perfect Fit

JAC never received the memo about the time change.  Lately he has been waking up at dark thirty.  Everything JAC does is accompanied by lots of noise and his morning ritual starts with loud banging as he attempts to break down his door.  The ruckus inspires an instant groan from his parents.  We roll out of bed groggily and wish for two more hours of sleep.  JAC in turn comes barreling upstairs - blanket in hand and shouts, "MORNING!"  I prefer to start the morning with a quiet Bible study and coffee.  It goes without saying that this exuberant new routine has been hard to get used to.

Lately JAC has been demanding the same thing every morning. He wants to be wrapped up in a blanket and he wants us to turn on ESPN. This kid loves watching sports. Last night he was deeply hurt that he couldn't stay up to watch Monday Night Football. This morning we both curled up on the couch and watched hours of college basketball. We ate dry multi-grain Cheerios and the rain poured down outside. I couldn't help but be overwhelmingly thankful. I am so glad JAC loves sports and not some horrendous childrens' singalong show. He is the perfect fit for our sports loving family.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Christmas Cards

I have never sent out Christmas cards.  Truthfully I've always thought they were a little overrated.  I think the only thing worse than worse than Christmas cards are those horrible Christmas letters.  The letters always feel like a one page boast session.  I am still waiting for a Christmas letter to say something like, "We all gained 20 pounds this year and it turns out all my children are average."

Alas, Jess does not share my reservations about Christmas cards. He loves to receive Christmas cards and he would love to send some out this year. On Veterans Day as we viewed the monuments several people offered to take a quick family snapshot for us. One talented tourist managed to take the best family photo we have ever had. I like the picture so much that I plan on actually using it for our family Christmas cards this year.

What are your opinions on Christmas Cards? Are they a waste of time? I heard the Post Office will be selling pre-stamped Christmas cards next year. Would you pay extra for the convenience?

If you are a Christmas card person please check out this link. Shutterfly is giving away 50 free Christmas cards if you register on their site.
Shutterfly Give Away

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Christmas Plans - For My D.C Friends

We are staying local for Christmas.  While I am deeply disappointed to miss my family for the holidays I'm determined to make the best of it by creating a fun list of activities.  My list follows but I would love to hear what are your favorite D.C holiday activities?

1. Zoo Lights
2. Candle Light Tour of Mount Vernon
3. Water Skiing Santa
4. Netherlands Festival at Union Station
5. Coral Singing at the National Cathedral
6. Chopping down our tree at the Christmas Tree Farm
7. Cookie Making/Decorating
8. Our annual drive to see Christmas Lights

Friday, November 12, 2010

Friday Adventure!

I hadn't put much thought into our Friday Adventure because we had such a fun Thursday but when my friend Becca called and asked if we wanted to go to the National Gallery of Art I was delighted.  The National Gallery of Art is one of my favorite places in D.C and I enjoy the exhibits every time I visit.  It was also great to have Becca along to help with JAC on the Metro.  I think JAC is growing into being an art lover because his behavior was excellent for the entire Gallery visit.

After viewing the art we took JAC to the National Mall and let him run around. The National Mall is occasionally referred to as "America's Backyard," and JAC embraced the idea. He ran around in the grass until he was thoroughly exhausted. On the walk back to the metro JAC was making loud squealing sounds. An old couple ssshhed him! They said I shouldn't let him make noise because it is bad for their ears. I just winked and kept walking. People are so weird!

Becca and I were also privileged enough to have Flat Stanley along for the adventure.  We took his picture with great works of art, monuments and the Capital building.  Flat Stanley is such a fun project and hopefully the child in Oklahoma who sent him to Becca will be pleased with our pictures.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Thurs. Adventure

In honor of Veteran's Day we took JAC downtown to view the monuments.  It was wonderful to see Veterans out enjoying the day on the National Mall.  Here are just a few pictures.

Veteran's Day

Good Morning!  Today I am overwhelmingly thankful for our veterans' and their families.  I am also thankful that Jess has the day off.  We are celebrating by taking a Thursday Adventure.  I'll post some pictures later today.

I am also thankful for a family at our church (The Barbours') who feed us dinner every Wednesday night. I should rephrase this. Mrs. Barbour hosts a feast every Wednesday night and we're always invited. It is the highlight of my week. I have decided that some day when we build our dream house I want it to have a really big kitchen table. I never leave the Barbours' hungry and I always feel overwhelmingly loved.

I have decided that Wednesday dinner is perhaps the safest place on earth because every Wednesday three doctors, two social workers, one lawyer, one preacher and a handsome civil engineer are present. That is a quorum. If there is ever a plague rendering us quarantined to our home I want to be at the Barbours.

Finally, here is a short version of my Monday Story. JAC was horrible all weekend and his behavior peaked on Monday. The day was a non-stop violent fit - the behavior so drastic that I was sure JAC was sick. I called the doctor and I called Jess. Jess went to the doctor with me and I was sure JAC was drastically ill. I knew we would leave with a prescription. We did. The doctor said my kid was fine and instead wrote me a prescription to see a counselor. She said "My toddler was stressing me out, and I should talk to someone." It was so entirely embarrassing that I left the doctor and cried and cried.

I have recovered. When I told the story over Wednesday Dinner I was immediately comforted by the social worker and the doctors were indignant. They assured me I was a good mother and not crazy. I love Wednesday Dinner. The End!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Cooking With Alcohol

Growing up my parents never had alcohol in house.  Mom never cooked with it and our favorite family recipes don't include it.  Our neighbor is a  restaurateur and has started to give us cases of wine.  I've been trying out different recipes.  Here are two quick easy recipes that have been a hit in our house.

Beer Bread

My brother gave me a great Miami cookbook for my birthday. If you're ever stuck buying me a gift (because I'm really hard to buy for) just buy me a cookbook or running clothes. You'll never go wrong. Anyways, I love this Miami cookbook. The recipes are easy and submitted by Miami celebrities and chefs. Plus, I like to read this book and think of my brother.

Beer Bread
1 can of beer
1/3 cup white sugar
3 cups of self-rising flour.
Put batter in a loaf pan and bake at 350 degrees for exactly one hour. After removing it from the oven rub butter on the top.

This recipe was incredibly easy and worth surrendering your favorite beer.

Savory Beef Bourguignon

Often when roast beef is on sale I purchase it for our family. We always have lots of leftovers. I'm always looking for a good recipe to use the leftovers. Sometimes I turn it into BBQ or occasionally I make traditional beef stew. This stew was simple and cooked in the crock pot.

1lbs Beef
1 can condensed mushroom soup
1 package onion soup mix
1/2 cup dry red wine
1/2 cup beef broth
1/2t dried thyme
2 cups baby carrots
8 oz of sliced mushrooms

Combine in your crock-pot of 4 hours and serve with warm noodles. Its a perfect cold weather dinner.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Harpers Ferry!

I'm having a really good day. My son was possessed the last three days. I'm still working up the nerve to tell my "Monday Story." I'm not seeking sympathy I just want to tell the story.

Instead I'm posting pictures of our trip to Harper's Ferry, West Virginia. We dreamed of taking a long hike along the Appalachian Trail but after a long car ride with a toddler who screamed most of the day we settled for a short hike on the Appalachian Trail.

The leaves were gorgeous. Even though we had a really rough day in the end we held hands on drive home. The story was not "we had a really rough day with our stubborn screaming kid." Instead it was, "We survived a really rough day and we still really like each other."

I hope everyone is enjoying some great fall weather. This time of year just makes you want to be close to the people you love.

Monday, November 8, 2010


I have stuff to write about but I've had a really bad day.  I can't decide if I'm going to write about it or just forget it.  Instead I'm looking for ideas about winter running.  I hate to run in the cold but I hate missing my run.  Does anyone have great ways to get yourself motivated and out the door on cold days?

I don't want to leave out my non-running friends for here is a question for my friends who just run errands or circles chasing small kids. My brother and his wife are coming for Turkey Day. I'm so excited. What Turkey Day food do you love the most?

Saturday, November 6, 2010

A List Vol. 6

I know they call it , "The Terrible Twos," but it really is horrible.  JAC turns two in December and he has embarked in the tantrum throwing hysterics with full gusto.  I am absolutely exhausted.  Today when I threw him in his room for a nap I think we were both glad to be rid of each other.  He does not bring out the best in me.  Lately when he throws a full on fit, Jess and I will roll our eyes and say "JAC is attempting to win a PEGOT (Pulitzer, Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony)."  He is dramatic enough to compete with the best of them and I am sure my parenting will scar him and inspire him to write a "tell-all" about his miserable childhood.

Here is my list:

Things I hate about parenting:
1. Overwhelming guilt: I try really hard but despite lots of prayer I typically finish every day wishing I could reverse time and change a few decisions.
2. Fit throwing in public: There is nothing that makes you feel quite so incompetent as your child shouting "No!" and crying on the ground for half an hour.
3. The lack of logic: Two year olds are not logical. You can't reason with them. One moment they want to go to the park and the next moment they are crying because they have to wear shoes.

Things I love about parenting:
1. Overwhelming Thankfulness: Parenting makes me consistently thankful for the little things I used to take for granted. I am thankful to walk through REI because it is an outing away from the house. I am thankful to sneak cookie dough by the spoonful while my kid sleeps. I am really thankful when my husband walks in the door from work. I am overwhelming thankful for God's provision. I am not trying to raise a child while watching him starve or suffer illness.  I am blessed.
2. A New Side of Jess: I love watching Jess interact with JAC. He is silly, kind and fun. This is a special side of Jess that comes out so well through parenting.
3. The Chase: Watching my dog and kid chase each other around in circles in the back yard is hilarious.
4. The Progress: Watching a little person grow up and learn new things is fascinating and painful all at once. I'm so glad I get to be here to witness it.

I hope everyone has a great day. I'm going to go eat cookie dough and pray for patience.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Friday Adventure!

This week JAC went with me to vote.  As we waited in line I discussed the importance of voting.  JAC ate a chocolate chip cookie and drooled.   Today I thought it might be the perfect opportunity to teach JAC about our founding documents.  We rode the metro into town and stopped by the National Archives.

I am sad to admit that the last time I went to the National Archives I was 12. It was time for another visit. I was pleasantly surprised. They hosted one of the best interactive history exhibits in town. It really is amazing how many archives are maintained. We saw old photographers, patent documents, and heard audio recordings of congressional debates and Teddy Roosevelt. It really was well done.

Of course my personal highlight was seeing the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. I think JAC liked pushing the elevator button and riding the metro escalator. JAC was also crazy about the statue at the metro stop.

It was a fun day but you could not take pictures in the National Archives so our trip is not well documented. We didn't bring our stroller because taking a stroller on the metro is a akin to getting dental work done. JAC wanted to be carried all day and I'm exhausted. I'm off to take a nap. It's one of the perks of the job. Happy Friday Everyone. I hope you have a great weekend.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


I feel sorry for our little dog Roxy.  JAC tortures her mercilessly.  Lately he has started to chase her, little fingers wiggling in front of him shouting, "Tickle, Tickle, Tickle."  JAC really wants to hold the poor dog down and tickle her, but I'm pretty sure dogs aren't ticklish.

Also, it is squirrel season and our dog absolutely hates squirrels. The squirrels have been hurrying around making preparations for winter and Roxy is completely vexed. She chases them with enthusiasm and sole purpose but never catches them.

The squirrels love my bird feeder and have gorged themselves. I keep the bag of seed on our screened- in back porch. On day when I arrived home I noticed a flicker of activity and color on the porch. Alarmed I rushed in and found a squirrel buried in the bird food with only his twitching tail sticking out of the bag. I shouted and the squirrel raced circles chirping angrily around the porch. Roxy barked loudly from inside. She was bad that her nemesis had been so bold. I chased the squirrel out the door and when I let Roxy out she seemed utterly dismayed. Poor tortured dog.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

JAC Doing Things the JAC Way

JAC is our only child, our oldest child and apparently our over-photographed child.  He has those a-typical oldest qualities.  He likes things organized and just a certain way.  He is a typical only child in his expectations for constant attention but also in his ability to play independently.

On Monday he took all of his toy trucks up to the top of our stairs. He lined them up in a perfect row and then pushed them off. Crash! Bang! Thump! JAC loved the chaotic mess. He then gathered to trucks and put them on the stairs each with the dump bed down. He played happily and then noticed I had the camera. He ran and sat amidst his trucks poising for the camera. I snapped a couple of shots and put the camera down. Dismayed JAC ran and put the camera in my hand and then repositioned himself with his trucks. He cried and cried when I said "No more pictures." He begged, "more, more. I think this kid is way too familiar with the camera.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Halloween - The Story of a Wild Lion

I am sitting here eating my son's Halloween Candy.  There are so many reasons why Halloween is the best Holiday of the year.  This year was especially fun because JAC was old enough to trick-or-treat.

I worked all week to sew JAC a Lion costume. As the project progressed I would try it on JAC. JAC hated his costume. Jess did his best to convince JAC to like the costume but nothing was working.

On Halloween the costume was complete and I think it brought out JAC's inner lion because he was absolutely wild. He raced around the the house trying to catch and tickle the dog. The dog cowered in fear. JAC then ran around in circle chasing his own tail.

It took both parents to trap the wild lion and get him out the door to trick-or-treat. We decided to start with a neighbor he knew. JAC knocked on the door and our sweet neighbor talked to him about his costume and put candy in his basket. She shut the door and we turned to leave but JAC ran up the stairs again. He wanted more candy.  He was hooked.

After the first house, JAC was a pro. He could knock on doors, say "trick-or-treat," growl on command and even said, "thank you" after getting candy. It was a blast watching his excitement as he ran from door to door. When the wild little lion had to go to bed he cried and cried. I'm not sure if he just wanted to eat more candy or really loved Halloween as much as I did.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Videos for my Mom

Here are two badly recorded Halloween videos for my mom.  Feel free to check them out.

Congratulations Mr. Connelly!

I couldn't decide whether to post our Halloween pictures or an update on Jess' Marathon.  I'm so gosh darn proud of my husband that I decided to post about the marathon.  You can read about Halloween tomorrow.

Yesterday Jess completed the Marine Corps Marathon in a mere 4 hours and 36 minutes. He gutted through some horrible leg cramps and finished like a pro. When we saw him after the race he barely looked tired. He even walked the half mile to our car without complaint.

Jess faced so many obstacles throughout his training but he never complained. He trained in four countries. He never had a running partner to encourage him during long runs. Congratulations Jesse! We are so proud of you.

Also, this was an especially fun year for the Marine Corps Marathon because the race was on Halloween.  Lots of people wore goofy costumes.  Check out these guys with babies strapped to their chests.  They are dressed like "Carlos" from the movie "Hangover."  I thought it was pretty creative but marveled that they could run like that.  I wonder if you could find an abandoned baby doll half way through the course?