A Blog about a clever boy and a mom determined to out-smart him.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Congratulations Mr. Connelly!

I couldn't decide whether to post our Halloween pictures or an update on Jess' Marathon.  I'm so gosh darn proud of my husband that I decided to post about the marathon.  You can read about Halloween tomorrow.

Yesterday Jess completed the Marine Corps Marathon in a mere 4 hours and 36 minutes. He gutted through some horrible leg cramps and finished like a pro. When we saw him after the race he barely looked tired. He even walked the half mile to our car without complaint.

Jess faced so many obstacles throughout his training but he never complained. He trained in four countries. He never had a running partner to encourage him during long runs. Congratulations Jesse! We are so proud of you.

Also, this was an especially fun year for the Marine Corps Marathon because the race was on Halloween.  Lots of people wore goofy costumes.  Check out these guys with babies strapped to their chests.  They are dressed like "Carlos" from the movie "Hangover."  I thought it was pretty creative but marveled that they could run like that.  I wonder if you could find an abandoned baby doll half way through the course?


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