A Blog about a clever boy and a mom determined to out-smart him.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Baby Bag

JAC stayed with us for the entire Sunday church service.  We typically take him to nursery but this week we let him stay in the auditorium.  When the service was over Jess and I were exhausted.  It took every ounce of patience and creativity to keep JAC quiet. 

On Sunday's I am always reminded that it really does take a village to raise a child. Six people sit on our usual pew and every one of them contribute to keeping JAC entertained. One person lets JAC play with her iphone and another slips him candy or draws pictures.

This Sunday I used every trick in my baby bag. The service seemed extra long and I felt like every prayer was double its usual length. Recently I switched from carrying a baby bag to carrying a backpack. I much prefer the backpack.

Here is a list of goofy things I keep in the backpack to entertain JAC. What is in your purse/baby bag or backpack? Do you have any great tips or tricks?

1. Old makeup mirror - JAC likes to make funny faces in the mirror
2. Calculator - Its endlessly fun to push buttons
3. Board Books
4. Straws from the fast food joint - JAC likes to blow threw them or use them as weapons. He also thinks it is funny if I pick things up by sucking through them.
5. Fine point felt pen - I draw funny faces on his fingers.
6. Chapstick - JAC thinks it is a treat to put it on
7. Starburst Candy - I hide it and only use it in case of emergencies


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