A Blog about a clever boy and a mom determined to out-smart him.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Post Turkey Ramble

We just returned from an absolutely frigid hiking trip in the Shenandoah mountains.  I hiked wearing four layers and still felt cold in the 33 degree windy weather.  JAC felt cold too.  He walked for approximately three minutes and then melted down into an absolute cry fest.  Finally his dad took him back to the truck.

JAC is currently in his room trying to nap. My brother is visiting and in the excitement JAC has refused to nap for the last three days. I am currently channelling my inner prison guard. I am sitting outside his room. If he tries to get out of bet I'm calling in the warden.

A few minutes ago JAC was banging on his door. He wanted out and he had a good reason. I opened his door and he greeted me with a gigantic mound of green poo in his hand. Babies are disgusting.

Turkey Day rocked. I couldn't have asked for things to turn out better. The turkey was juicy the sides were yummy and the company superb. I couldn't have pulled it off without my sister in law, Lady. She worked like a slave. I think she hand-washed five loads of dishes while helping cook. I love her.

I'm about to go make enchiladas. My brother loves enchiladas and I love cooking for my brother. He is such an enthusiastic eater. I have loved having family in my house. It feels like a tight hug...not to mention the free babysitting.

Yesterday we went to the east wing of the National Gallery of Art. They had an awesome Munch exhibit. Munch was a great print maker and print making is probably my favorite form of art. Here is a random fact for you: More pieces of Munch artwork have been stolen than works of any other artist.

I hope everyone has had a great weekend. Tomorrow I put Lady and my brother on a plane. The idea of it makes me feel a bit lonely. Rather than dwell on it we are going to go chop down a Christmas tree.

I'll end this on a positive note.  My husband is upstairs doing dishes.  I didn't even have to ask.  He also did all of the post Thanksgiving dishes and let me sleep in the following day.  I have a really great husband.  Has your husband done something really awesome lately?  If you don't have a husband, is there someone in you life who has selflessly made your day better lately?

I'm off to cook enchiladas.  I'm pretty sure my son is finally asleep.


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