When your child has thrown a two hour tantrum on the airplane and you casually try to make small talk with your seat mate there is one thing you don't want to hear her say when you ask about her profession. My lovely seat mate replied, "I'm a child behaviorist, did you know your child is displaying attention getting behavior?" Ug!
JAC was a colossal mess on our trip to Miami but he was a saint on the return trip. I've been exceptionally grouchy this week and a kind friend gave me some good advice. She said, "The woman sets the tone of the home." I think this might apply for plane trips too. On the return trip I was cheerful and laid back. I even thought of some silly games to play. We had a wonderful flight. Please remind me of this before our 40 hour trip to Nepal. Actually just start praying for my sanity right now.
Yesterday I purchased mousse for JAC's hair. I never purchase product for my own hair but we have reached a critical point. JAC hates to have his hair cut. It typically requires two people to hold him down. He really needs a haircut but if I gel his hair up a bit I can delay the inevitable just a bit longer. Plus JAC says, "Spiky hair -Cool!" Is anyone else try to delay the inevitable this week?
Jess is the perfect person to come home to. He purchased a frozen pizza because he knew I would hate to cook, cleaned out the fridge in my absence, and left me a card saying how much he had missed me. I have the best husband in the world! I think JAC was really sick of me. When we came home he wanted to have nothing to do with me. He gave me a shove and shouted, "Mom inside." He proceeded to drag Jess out to the yard to dig. I was happy to oblige and when I checked on them a few hours later they were pretending to go deep sea fishing off of the back porch. It was adorable.
Dorthy was right, "There is no place like home." Home to me is wherever Jess is located. Jess is the only place where I feel totally like myself. I don't feel like I have to improve or change. He's always my biggest fan. What makes home feel like home to you? Is it your mom's homemade lasagna or fresh sheets on the bed?