A Blog about a clever boy and a mom determined to out-smart him.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day Review

I think there should be a day called Husband's Day.  I know that men have Father's Day but that is a day for JAC to celebrate his dad.  I want a day to celebrate those long suffering men who signed on for a lifetime of attempting to interpret perplexing mood swings, awkward shopping trips and conversations about relationships.  I want to celebrate my husband who does all of those things and more with grace, love, patience and lots of charm.

Yesterday Jess stayed up extra late cleaning the house with me.  He was exhausted from watching JAC all day but he knows that once the house starts bothering me I'll go crazy until it is clean.  I am so thankful that I don't have to beg for help.  Jess just knows what I need.

This week I furiously sewed a special apron for my mom and loved every minute of it.  I can't help but think about my mom as I sew because I watched her sew so often throughout my childhood.  Jess knew I was in a rush and took JAC outside to play every afternoon while I slowly worked on the hand stitching. 

The apron is customized with fabric yoyos and I love the way it turned out.  It seems vintage and happy.  I can't see or sew a fabric yoyo without thinking of my mom because it is one of the first things she taught me to sew.  Last night we ate mountains of popcorn for dinner because popcorn instantly reminds me of my mom.  That is one of the coolest things about being a mom, you have the opportunity to leave a permanent stamp on your child's life.  Hopefully the stamp will be many great memories.

Are there things in your life that instantly remind you of your mom?  My list is huge.  Today I am immensely proud of my mom aspire to be just a little more like her.


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