A Blog about a clever boy and a mom determined to out-smart him.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Thoughts on a Thursday

Sometimes I plan a blog post for weeks.  I think about while I run and mentally compose every word.  Sometimes I just start writing and see what ideas shake out.  Tonight I am listening to my husband read Bible stories to my son and just letting the ideas shake out.

Jess came home exhausted today and crashed into a long nap.  While he slept JAC and I surprised him by mowing the lawn.  The grass was very long, wet and heavy.  The Spring on the east coast produces an irritating lawn mowing cycle.  The excessive rain causes the grass to grow rapidly.  You can't mow the grass in the rain but the one sunny day of the week always happens to be the day you have booked every hour with pre-scheduled events.  It is a no win situation. 

I have a small blister on my hand below my wedding wring.  Jess and I compared hands last night and both had an identical callus in the same spot.  I really like it.  I like the idea the every day as we work with our hands our rings rub against our flesh created the same lingering mark.

I meant to tell you more about JAC feeding our dog Roxy.  He started the chore on his own and does it dutifully.  Roxy is warming up to the idea but JAC is so proud of himself.  Strangely the task has also inspired him to be nicer to the dog.

I heard some women argue that children are just small adults with the same set of needs but the inability to express them.  I have often thought that all humans long for meaningful work.  Perhaps JAC feeds the dog because it is novel or perhaps he has some intrinsic desire to be useful. 

If we all have an identical set of needs in ideal world we would  work to fulfill our friends and family and no one would be left feeling empty.  This is not a Utopian world but every day someone makes my life a little better.  Today someone complemented my parenting and that is just what I needed to hear.  Have you made someone happier today?  Has someone made your bucket of need feel a little less empty today?


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