Lately I've been struggling with feeling really discontent. It all started when I saw some pictures of Taos, New Mexico that sparked a bit of nostalgia that grew into a full fledged grouchy monster of want. I've been praying a lot about this but I don't seem to be making much head way. I thought I'd blog about it in hopes that you might pray for me too. I am going to list my key gripes but before I do I'll apologize. I recognize that I am very very blessed and none of these concerns are worthy of worry.
1. I wish I lived closer to my mom.
2. I wish I lived within view of the mountains.
3. I wish I lived where the sky was blue more often.
4. I wish I could loose the last five pounds of baby weight.
5. I wish I could go to school full time.
6. I wish my kitchen had storage and I owned an array of baking equipment.
7. I wish JAC would SLEEP!
8. I wish I lived somewhere where parking was free and there were turning lanes.
9. I wish we had a play room.
1. I am thankful that there are so many free things to do in D.C.
2. I am thankful for a husband that loves me unconditionally.
3. I am thankful for a healthy son.
4. I am thankful for the opportunity to stay home with my son.
5. I am thankful for my running group. Those girls help me keep my sanity.
6. I am thankful plenty of food and a great little house.
I think I feel a bit better. I'll keep working on it.