A Blog about a clever boy and a mom determined to out-smart him.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Viagra Effect

In Brazil the tendency for divorced men to marry much younger women has been labeled the Viagra Effect. Apparently this trend has reached a critical point. It is causing the country to go broke. In decades past pensions only had to be paid to older widows for a few years before they kicked the bucket. Now these younger wives are receiving their husbands pensions for over thirty years. Who would have guessed that Viagra could bring a whole country to its knees?

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Couch Crashing

Jess and I have been rushing around cleaning and organizing our house. We're hosting a friend of friend who needs a place to crash for a couple of days. I'm excited about this because I feel like it is an opportunity to pay back society for all of the couch crashing I have done in the past. Some people graduate college with a plan and a career path. I graduated with a degree and no clue. Instead I did a good bit of wandering in my little truck chasing a dream and trying to decide what I should be when I grew up. Eventually I worked things out but I wish I would have taken greater advantage of my couch crashing days. Throughout my wanderings I was always troubled with the thought that my peers were getting ahead and that I should be doing something. I wish I would have travelled more, met more people and embraced the freedom. Lately I have been dreaming places I would like to go. Today as I cleaned I thought about Havasu Falls. I have always wanted to go there. The place seems magical and a little eerie. Here's a picture and if you need a place to crash feel free to stop by the Connelly's.

What has JAC Been Up To Lately?

I would say our current phase of life is defined by two things: cruising and eating. JAC is all over the place now and stages a major protest if he feels confined. He broke the straps of our stroller trying to crawl out. He has learned to climb a few stairs. When you hold him he tries to crawl over your shoulder. He attempts to get out of the bath by scaling the walls hand over foot. A diaper change is a reason to scream because he doesn't want to sit still. Every surface is a place to hold on to, crawl up or climb. You can't contain this crazy ball of energy and fun.

JAC has become very aware that there are foods that we eat that he isn't getting. In consequence Jess and I have started giving him little bits of foot to knaw on while we eat. He chewed on his first bite of pizza at Mystic Pizza. He got tater tots at Sonic and loves to munch on Ritz crackers. We've given him Ben and Jerry's ice cream and he couldn't get enough of it. If JAC feels like he isn't getting food while we're eating he'll let you know about it. He always acts shocked when we give him a bite of our food and he doesn't like it. He'll give us a look that says, "How could you eat that?"

Friday, August 28, 2009

The Departure of a Good Friend

Sorry for the melodrama. My friend Sara is not dead but instead moving to Oklahoma City. It will be a good move for their little family but I will really miss her. Sara is a person who is especially gifted at being a friend. I feel like I could go on for hours about how much joy she brought to my life but I'll just end with a quick example.

Tuesday was the last day we could hang out together so we decided to celebrate with Chick-fil-A breakfast. Of course due to my lack of organization we arrived half an hour too late and instead ate Chick-fil-A lunch at 10:30 in the morning. JAC's maximum time to sit still is about 20 seconds so we woofed down our chow and did some window shopping. JAC protested loudly. Boy's don't shop! Or, perhaps he just need a nap. We loaded up and headed home. Mid drive we realized that JAC was out cold. Sara has spent enough time with us to know that if you wake JAC up mid-nap he isn't going back to sleep but will instead irritate the heck out of you with his crankiness. She suggested we keep driving and we quickly brainstormed where to go. A plan developed. We got off at the next exit and headed the opposite direction towards Sonic. What the casual blog reader might not realize is that the nearest Sonic is an hour away down highway 95. (I personally believe that 95 should be relabeled the highway of congestion hell.) Sara and I had both discussed our love of Sonic and deep longing for a cherry limeade. Even though she was moving back to the land of Sonic she was excited about the trip.

It was a blast. I drove too fast and got to use the HOV lane. (A baby counts as a third passenger, right?) JAC slept. With a cheery limeade in hand, my good friend next to me and my baby asleep in the back I was pretty sure that I was in heaven. Is it possible that when God made manna in the Bible he was referring to chili cheese tator tots.

Sara, you've been an awesome friend. I'm going to miss you girl.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Hartford, CT Vol 3

Yesterday I was in a real funk. I can't explain it but I was very grouchy and considered staying in the room and moping all day. I changed my mind when I thought about corralling JAC in our little room so when he woke up from his nap we took the short walk to the Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art. My expectations were low but I was in for a great surprise. The collection included a whole room of Hudson River School paintings. These are some of my favorite because they showcase nature in all its grandeur. JAC loved this part of the museum but his enthusiasm for art was short lived so we rushed through the next two floors of art. I was secretly afraid we might get kicked out of this museum too. The museum's collection included works by Copeland, Trumball, Picasso, Van Gogh, Beirstadt, Monet, Manet and many others. I felt like every time I turned a corner there was another great painting that I recognized. This was by far the highlight of the trip for me. I'm secretly hoping that Jess can watch the baby so I can go back again before we leave and really enjoy it.

We finished the evening off with a run on the trail by the river. It was beautiful and fun to watch the rowing teams practicing. Now I'm doing laundry so we'll be ready for our next adventure. Tomorrow, we're heading to Mystic Seaport for the day.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Slump That Never Ends

I have two friends that regularly save my sanity. They are the kind of girls that bail you out when you're in over your head and all my readers know that parenting has left me perpetually in this state. Unfortunately they are both moving and I have to say the very thought of them leaving makes me literally want to be sick.

I previously blogged about my growing discontentment and I have to say that despite my best efforts it is still growing. So, I'll keep praying.

I am hanging out in a hotel room while JAC takes a little nap. He had another bad night last night or rather I had a bad night. I have ninja hearing and I can't sleep when he's in the same room. My restlessness has been further punctuated by really bad dreams and basically I feel like I have a hang over this morning.

School starts on Monday and I am hoping that Biology 102 will provide and avenue to channel my restlessness. In the meantime I'll keep praying.

Hartford CT, Vol 3

Yesterday, JAC and I headed out to see the home of the famous author Mark Twain and we were promptly kicked out. They didn't allow strollers so I planned on just carrying JAC through the tour and JAC seemed excited about this prospect. We got into the house and JAC started expressing his enthusiasm for the great author. I didn't think much about it because I'm used to JAC being pretty loud and he was happy so I didn't mind. We just stood in the back hoping not to disturb anyone. After the first room of the tour the guide walked back and told me that, " Perhaps, JAC was too little to handle this. We were disturbing others and I could bring him back when he was bigger." I was shocked and frankly wanted to cry. JAC and I left, dejected and shamed.

I called my mom and got a pep talk and then did the one thing that I knew would make things better. I took us to Old Navy and went shopping. I bought us both new shirts and as we drove home I couldn't help but think that Mark Twain would have probably liked such a happy and goofy baby. Hopefully we'll have better luck at the art museum today.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Hartford CT, Vol 2

This week I'm pretending I'm a travel writer and updating you about our vacation. JAC and I are determined to make the most of our Hartford trip and the city has yet to disappoint us. Yesterday we went to the CT Science Center. It was five floors of interactive science learning and I was impressed. The center was geared toward kids but I had fun and learned a few things too. I've been thinking lately about science and math education. When I recall my exposure to those subjects I remember a general sense of malaise by teachers and students alike. I've rediscovered science as an adult and find it fascinating. I feel like it is the gateway to the answers about how things work around you and that is exciting. The science center used sports, speed, music, and gardening to help kids think. It cost us 20 dollars but I was still impressed.

We finished our afternoon by touring the state capital. The CT capital is gorgeous. A true work of art. I'm from the west and one of the things I love about the east coast is the history. CT is the home of Nathaniel Hale. One of the first great American spies who spoke the words, "I regret that I have but one life to give for my country." Awesome!

Today we are off to see the home of Mark Twain and see a butterfly farm. I'll post a review tomorrow.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Hartford CT Volume 1

JAC, Jess and I are in Hartford, CT for the week and we're having a great time. I had planned to take a break from blogging since we're on vacation but JAC is sleeping and Jess is at work and I'm bored in a very small hotel room. I thought I'd give an update on our trip so far.

It took us about eight hours to get here so we decided to split the trip into two parts. We stopped north of Philadelphia for the night and JAC got to meet Jess' uncles for the first time. I could tell Jess loved showing JAC off and JAC lived up to his wild reputation by climbing on the bar table when I wasn't paying attention.

About half way through our trip to Philadelphia we looked at JAC and realized that his car seat was too small. I couldn't believe it. This might also explain why JAC hated that seat so much. Before leaving Philadelphia we stopped at Walmart to buy a "big kid seat" and installed it in the parking lot. I think JAC was pleased. We also had to buy new pajamas. Our sneaky guy has outgrown all of his nine month clothes and has pushed on to 12 month clothes. This of course caught me by surprise.

Yesterday, we decided to go to Sunday church. We found a Church of Christ online and started walking in that direction. We ended up walking about two miles into the Hartford ghetto. Who would have guessed our vacation would provide an opportunity to show JAC hookers and crack heads? It was worth the walk because the tiny church was really glad we came and very welcoming. The service also featured multiple testimonials that included a lady admonishing the church to put money in the food bank jar because lack of funds had prevented her from opening the doors last week. We also heard stories of people struggling with their work hours being cut in half. It reminded us how blessed we are but also had us puzzling if our church is truly addressing the needs of the less fortunate. This marked another occasion when I felt like God was working on my heart. Jess and I have felt for a while that God had a change in store for us. We're just not sure what yet.

Yesterday Jess was sick so JAC and I took off to see Hartford together. We found a great running trail and we got to see dragon boat races. We also found they CT Science Center and when JAC wakes up we're off to check it out. Even though I'm anxious to get out of this hotel room I can't help but be thankful my kid is napping. Its awesome when that happens.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Power of My Posse

When I went to boot camp I always found it infuriating that when one person did something stupid we all got punished together. In hindsight I realize that the Drill sergeants united us together as a team both in our hatred of the Drill Sergeants and our deep desire to prevent punishment. Eventually we grew so close that we really just cared about each other for the sake of caring. Today I was once again reminded of how great it is to have a Posse. JAC and I went to church small group tonight and as usual the moment I stepped in the door I had willing volunteers to hold JAC. This works out great for us because lately Jess has needed a couple of hours to himself on the weekend so he doesn't go to small group. I don't feel like I'm stuck with the parenting duties because I have lots of great help when I get there. I also love the way my small group knows about my less desirable traits and still chooses to love me. Every week we do prayer requests and try to ask each other for updates on previous requests. My groups has prayed for my work debacles, Jess' safety while he was in Iraq and for strength for our little family while we get the hang of parenting. Its almost like having a second family.

I also belong to a couple of other groups that save my sanity. I hang out with another mom in my neighborhood and we've both had days when we were so sleep deprived we could hardly talk. Once a week I also meet with my running group. They keep me engaged in conversation while we trot along and help remind me that I'm more than a mom. I always find it amazing that on my own I can do 13 miles but with help from the group I can do many more. The power of a group is strong especially when it consists of people who really love you and care for you. They can inspire you to be more than you knew you could be.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Cruising for Chicks

JAC is cruising! It all seems a little precarious to me but it is also really nice to see him so happy. I think he has wanted to stand on his own two feet from the day he was 3 months old. I was pretty worried because we don't have much room in our house for him to safely practice. A couple nights ago Jess and I brainstormed while we were in bed and came up with an idea. We moved all the basement furniture to the corners of the room. It looks really funny but it did create some extra space.

JAC's favorite place to practice cruising is outside. I put the blanket out on the grass and lie down on my side with my book. He puts his hands on my sides and tries to walk up and down my side. Occasionally he stops to try to chew on my arm, grab my glasses or attempt to destroy my book. It's pretty cute even if I do end up covered in slobber.

JAC spent the weekend trying to learn to climb up our basement stairs. He makes it up one stair, gets stuck and then screams for me to get him down. Babies are a true test of your adaptability. Just when you think you have everything down they learn how to do something new.

Sunday, August 9, 2009


I made a rhubarb pie last night. I think pie and coffee are officially the best breakfast on earth. Delicious! After breakfast we stopped by to see my friend who is in the middle of chemotherapy. They are getting ready to move to Texas and needed a bit of help moving things from the attic. This was my first time being really close to someone in the middle of chemo treatments and I guess I didn't really know how horrible it is. She has already been through a massive surgery to remove the cancer but now has a year of chemo ahead of her. She is miserable. She is exhausted. Nothing tastes good and every bite she does eat makes her sick. She is a very sweet lady and I cried with her. It was a good reminder that there are so many people hurting.

Saturday, August 8, 2009


Lately I've been struggling with feeling really discontent. It all started when I saw some pictures of Taos, New Mexico that sparked a bit of nostalgia that grew into a full fledged grouchy monster of want. I've been praying a lot about this but I don't seem to be making much head way. I thought I'd blog about it in hopes that you might pray for me too. I am going to list my key gripes but before I do I'll apologize. I recognize that I am very very blessed and none of these concerns are worthy of worry.

1. I wish I lived closer to my mom.
2. I wish I lived within view of the mountains.
3. I wish I lived where the sky was blue more often.
4. I wish I could loose the last five pounds of baby weight.
5. I wish I could go to school full time.
6. I wish my kitchen had storage and I owned an array of baking equipment.
7. I wish JAC would SLEEP!
8. I wish I lived somewhere where parking was free and there were turning lanes.
9. I wish we had a play room.

1. I am thankful that there are so many free things to do in D.C.
2. I am thankful for a husband that loves me unconditionally.
3. I am thankful for a healthy son.
4. I am thankful for the opportunity to stay home with my son.
5. I am thankful for my running group. Those girls help me keep my sanity.
6. I am thankful plenty of food and a great little house.

I think I feel a bit better. I'll keep working on it.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


I am shuffling around the house trying to prolong JAC's nap. We had a horrible night last night and I woke up praying for patience and that God would protect my son because I do not have the energy to be vigilant today.

In the last two weeks JAC has given up sleeping through the night and instead wakes up every three hours resulting in this mom becoming a relative zombie due to lack of sleep. Last night he woke up at 12 and I fed him but when he woke up at three I decided I had had enough and it was time to invoke the doctor recommended Ferber method. I was not going to feed him and instead just let him "cry it out." I am not sure I really knew what I was in for. JAC got fiery mad and proceeded to scream for two hours straight. I would come in every ten minutes to encourage him to sleep only to find him standing, shaking his crib, screaming and throwing all his toys out of the bed. He was one determined little guy.

At the end of two hours I was downstairs in the basement madly googling "how long should I let my baby cry it out," when JAC's screaming finally woke up Jess. I came upstairs to find Jess holding JAC. I explained that we had been at this for two hours and I was exhausted and didn't want to feed him because "I couldn't live like a zombie any longer." "JAC was going to have to learn to sleep!" Despite my best intentions JAC was still piping mad and screaming. I finally gave in and fed him while crying my eyes out. Jess tried to be encouraging but it was no use. I was completely demoralized. After feeding JAC I put him in his bed and turned out the light.

About five minutes later JAC was awake again! I went to check on him and when I reached into his crib he jumped up and clung to my shirt like a little monkey. I couldn't resist. I got him out of the crib. Jess walked in at that moment and JAC let out a joyful yelp and smiled. He thought we were all going to play. I offered to take JAC to the basement to play and watch shows on my computer so Jess could get some sleep. I wasn't going back to sleep anyways.

At 5:30 I fed JAC again and he finally went to sleep! I crashed on the couch exhausted. JAC woke up early this morning ready to take on the day and I heard Jess giving him the following talk before he went to work. "JAC, you have to stop acting like this. You're not a little baby anymore. You're getting to be a little man. I expect you to do better. Now go back to sleep because your mom really needs some rest. You kept her up all night. I wish I could stay home all day and play but I can't. I have to go to work so you're going to have to be my little man." It didn't work but it was pretty cute.

I am now surviving on coffee. God bless the inventor of coffee! I'm also wishing that we didn't live in a tiny east coast house and instead had a big play room. Then I could let JAC crawl without worry while I stared mindlessly at the wall. Say a prayer for my little family. I feel like we really need a change. I don't know what God has in store for us but please pray for a measure of peace for all of us while we wait.

D.C Mom Get Away

Two weeks ago Jess had the itch to go to the beach but we didn't want to battle the Bay Bridge traffic. Instead we decided to settle on a beach on the Chesapeake Bay. We used the Google Earth feature to look at overhead imagery along the bay until we found a sandy beach. Then we jumped in the car and took off on an adventure. We found two great little beaches, Breezy Bay Park and Chesapeake Beach. Both beaches are less than an hour from D.C and the bay is so wide that it feels like you're at the ocean.

Today I led a caravan of friends to the North Beach at Chesapeake Beach, MD. There was an eight dollar entrance fee but the water was warm, the sun was out and the sand was great. We worked on our tans, ate picnic lunches and took turns playing with the kids in the water. It was a lot of fun and a great way to spend a hot summer afternoon.

JAC was not a fan of the water but he loved the sand. He poured it on his head and rolled around in it. By the end of the day he was covered from head to toe. He got an unhappy surprise when I had to shower him off before we went home and I think I'll be getting sand out of his hair for weeks. Still, it was absolutely worth it and we've planned an encore outing for next week.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


When JAC was first born I was his favorite and he didn't seem particularly fond of Jess. Secretly I felt this was justified since I was the one waking up in the middle of the night to feed him. A few months later JAC had a change in opinion and Jess was his favorite. He loved to hang out with his Dad and he would giggle and smile when Jess walked into the room.

Recently we have both been replaced by our dog Roxy. Perhaps it is because JAC has learned to crawl and they are both on the same level now but it is obvious that JAC loves that dog. He likes to chase after her and occasionally he'll sit next to her and pat her. They both like to play with the dog toys. JAC thinks Roxy is hilarious and when she runs around the room he laughs and laughs. This week I noticed JAC doing something new. JAC has started barking. He'll look at Roxy and then bark. When he chases her he barks. When we come home and Roxy is excitedly waiting for us JAC gives a bark of delight. Lets just hope he doesn't try to eat the dog food.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Mom Proofing the House

The more mobile JAC has gotten the more I realize that it is less about baby proofing the house and more about training myself. For instance, every morning I eat a bowl of Cheerios and then put the bowl of left over milk on the floor for the dog. Two days ago I narrowly missed the bowl of milk being dumped on the carpet. Today JAC grabbed the spoon and banged it on the bowl repeatedly. He loved the sound but I was less thrilled by the ruckus at seven in the morning.

JAC has also highlighted my poor house keeping skills. This morning I pried a piece of paper out of his mouth that he had found on the floor. I also forgot to put the ironing board away and looked over to see him climbing up it. I decided to drag the board to a safer place but didn't realize JAC was still holding on. I accidentally drug him a couple of feet. He didn't seem too pleased. I am glad he won't be able to remember that and I'm off to Target to buy outlet covers.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Running Tip #1 Shin Splints

I know how much everyone enjoys unsolicited advice but I'm running out of things to blog about. This is my first in a series of running tips. I'm not a sage of running knowledge but I can get an expert on the phone. My Dad is the head track coach at Hardin Simmons University. If you would like to run for a highly dedicated and successful coach check out his fan page on Facebook.

I have heard lots of runners complain about shin splints. It seems to be a common ailment and can be very demoralizing. If you struggle with shin splints here are some ideas that might help.

1. Shin Splint Exercises: Shin splints are basically caused by weak muscles around the shins. Since we typically drive everywhere these muscles atrophy. At the end of every work out walk 25 yards with your toes turned in, 25 yards with your toes turned drastically out and 25 yards on your heals with your toes pointed up. You will look really silly but these exercises will strengthen the muscles and prevent injury.

2. Running Surface: Hard surfaces put lots of impact on your leg muscles. Concrete is harder than asphalt. Asphalt is harder than dirt. If there is a dirt trail in your neighborhood consider running on it one day a week.

3. Shoes: Worn out shoes will contribute to shin splint problems. If you're running 30 miles a week or less replace your shoes every 6 months. If you run more replace them every 3 months. Many running stores will videotape your feet as your run and then advise you on what is the best pair of shoes for your running style.

I hope this advice helps a bit. Happy Running.