This is How I Roll
Yesterday Jess was nice enough to watch JAC while I went on a long run. We went to one of my favorite running spots, a four mile trail that loops around a lake. It's perfect for long runs because it's scenic, shady and the dirt trail is easy on your knees. I did just a little over 12 miles but I couldn't have done it without the company of my IPOD.
I know most people enjoy running to music but I'm not really a music person. I can't remember a tune and I have a terrible sense of rhythm. In fact, when I went to basic training I had to go to special marching lessons because I just couldn't get the hang of staying with the beat. Instead of music I listen to pod casts of my favorite radio shows. Typically I like two shows that can be heard on National Public Radio (NPR): This American Life, and Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me. Last night on my run I got a special treat. This American Life did a whole episode explaining how the financial crisis happened and why. It was entertaining and so simple that a running mom with no finance background could understand it. In a way it felt liking giving a sigh of relief. I hate not understanding things and my lack of understanding about all of the bail outs was really bothering me.
So, if you have a spare hour follow this link and download the podcast. Its free and hopefully it will help you feel a little smarter.
On a final note, A special thanks to my mom who got me hooked on NPR when I was still in the cradle. She is constantly on a quest to get smarter.