A Blog about a clever boy and a mom determined to out-smart him.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Feeling Short

In the military we have this thing we say when you know you're about to leave your duty station and you really don't want to put any effort in your current job. We say, "You're feeling short." Last night I got a great phone call. Jess is coming home three days early. That means he'll be here tomorrow and while I was initially thrilled I am now just "feeling short." I had a Mormon friend tell me they have a similar saying for when you are about to leave the mission field. You say you're "feeling trunky." It means your trunks are packed.

I'm feeling very short and trunky. I spent my free moments today madly cleaning and making Jess' favorite soup. I would like for him to remain delightfully unaware of what a complete slop I am when he's not around. In between cleaning and cooking I've been wrestling. Tonight JAC took great joy in trying to tackle my head while attempting to grab my glasses. This is partially cute but also annoying and I'm getting a deep rooted feeling that its time for his daddy to be home.


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