Slow Summer Days.
Jess is away on business and I'm a single parent for the next week. Thankfully, the week should be uneventful. Our weather has finally gotten nice and JAC and I are taking advantage of it. We have been doing lots of running, taking strolls around the neighborhood and sitting in the front yard enjoying the sun. A few days ago JAC and I were out on our run and someone catcalled at us. Annoyed I looked around for the culprit but no one was there. We ran a few steps further only for someone to shout out us. Perplexed, I scanned the area. I thought I finally had conformation that I was loosing my mind. I decided to keep jogging only to hear another catcall. I was getting a bit angry. One catcall might boost my ego but two is just crossing a line. Then out of the corner of my eye I caught the culprits. Two huge Macaw parrots were sitting on an apartment balcony squawking at me. I had to chuckle to myself a bit. So much for my ego boost!