A Blog about a clever boy and a mom determined to out-smart him.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Orange and Blue

I was beginning to worry my kid was going to turn orange. He would only eat orange food - carrots, sweet potatoes, carrots and peaches. Luckily, this week I found a food he just can't seem to get enough of - Blueberries! I blend them, mix in a little baby cereal and he'll eat them until I have to take them away. He loves them so much that he'll lean as far forward as he can in his highchair and try to put the whole spoon in his mouth. He's even accidentally gagged himself a couple of times. JAC does this really funny thing when he is eating food he likes. He growls at every bite. It's pretty funny to watch.

My Newsweek came yesterday. This is always the highlight of my week. I had to resist reading it all day and instead study for my mid-term exam. Last night at around 12 I finally gave in and read a couple of articles. One article caught my eye because it was something I've been pondering for a while. Apparently JAC is part of a "baby boom." Like the previous baby boom analysts speculate the current baby boom is due in part to troops returning home. The baby boomers have done a lot to shape our nation including bringing us the Hippy movement. Apparently baby boomers are now settling down and cutting back for retirement. Their reduction in spending has contributed to the economy tanking. A very similar thing happened in Japan and it took 12 year for there to be signs of economic recovery. In my mind there is only one real solution. The baby boomers are going to have to start showering my kid (and their grand kids) with gifts. As I see it, it is a "win -win" solution.


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