Highlights from Today
Yesterday my son brought me a bucket of worms. His dad had helped dig them up and JAC really wanted me to see. He also wanted to bring them into the house to live. Try explaining to a two year old why worms can't live in the house.
Today was one of those days when I loved being a mom. We spent hours digging in the park sand box. Even Roxy got in on the action. She dug herself a hole and plopped down, enjoying the cool wet dirt. On the way home JAC wanted to "ride like a pig." I put him on my back and carried the little piglet home. Lately I'll tell JAC "tight" and he'll squeeze me as tight as he can. Some days he looks at me and says, "tight mom!" and I squeeze him back.
We are heading to Miami tomorrow afternoon. I can't wait to see my brother and Lady. I think the timing will be perfect. The Miami weather should be lovely and we'll be there for my brother's birthday. We will also be there during the hockey play offs. Hockey is the only sport Jess and I don't share a mutual interest in. I'll watch a football or baseball game but hockey just seems plain boring! In my absence Jess can enjoy hours of hockey.