A Blog about a clever boy and a mom determined to out-smart him.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

All Things Sacred

It is nine in the morning and my husband is snoozing.  I have no idea what JAC is doing because my wonderful friends are keeping him for the weekend.  I really want to wake my husband up but after you have children you never get to sleep in.  A slow, sleepy Saturday morning is sacred. 

Yesterday I spent most of the day outside with JAC.  The weather was lovely.  JAC and I played baseball with a stick and squishy ball.  We tracked down ants and I tried to teach him how to log roll down a hill.  Today it is pouring down rain.  I'm a bit dissappointed because we wanted to hike but we're creating a rain plan.

Jess and I planned out the whole weekend over Indian food.  We used this golden rule:  If we can do it with a baby we're not doing it on our weekend off.  For instance, JAC doesn't like Indian food.  JAC doesn't like independent films and has a short fuse for Art Galleries. 

Tomorrow the sun will be out and we're going kayaking and maybe hiking too.  What are your weekend plans? 


At April 16, 2011 at 10:36 AM , Blogger Jill said...

I love all the fun things y'all are always doing! Enjoy your weekend!


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