A Blog about a clever boy and a mom determined to out-smart him.

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Yesterday I stumbled across this article Wild at Heart - Why I Appreciate Nature  and I was instantly reminded of my own mother who often stopped to express her awe of nature.  I attribute noticing the migration of geese, knowing the names of multiple flowers and my excitement over budding trees to my mother's expressed love of these things.

I hope JAC is at least an amateur naturalist.  I hope he has a deep appreciation for quiet observation and  God's creation.  Today we ran on my favorite trail.  We parked at Angler's Point and ran adjacent to the C&O Canal.  This lovely trail is frequented by Blue Heron who fish in the canal.  Today a Heron flew so near to us that I could almost touch its silvery wings.  Mid run I pulled off and took JAC to see the Great Falls on the Potomac River.  During the summer the falls are a favorite kayaking spot but during the spring rains the river swells and the falls are an impressive spectacle.

JAC climbed on the rocks nearby and watched the rushing water with enthusiasm.  On the run home I made sure to stop and point out turtles and geese.  Hopefully one day he will be awed by a Blue Heron and remember how much pleasure I took from watching this avian species.


At April 12, 2011 at 6:20 PM , Blogger Leigh T said...

It is so awesomely cool that you can see this everyday. Little jealous out here in central Texas...


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