JAC and I have been in Texas for the last two weeks and it seems like
JAC changed a lot in those two weeks.
JAC went on his first plane trip. I was pretty apprehensive. I didn't want to be the person on the plane with the baby who screamed for three hours straight. I shouldn't have worried too much. I had my whole church small group praying for us and
JAC did great. On the way there
JAC never slept but he also never cried. He seemed mostly content to bounce on my knee and look out the window.
JAC slept the whole way home and I was especially thankful because we had to wait 45 minutes on the tarmac for a gate to open in DC.
While we were in TX
JAC seemed to grow an inch. He also started getting his first two teeth, learned to roll over in both directions and has huge amounts of personality now. He laughs and he'll make this funny yelling sound when he's trying to talk to you. He has also been exhibiting more sneaky behavior. He hates going to go to bed and starts crying the moment he is put in his crib. When we would go check on him he would stop crying, smile, laugh and hold his arms out to be picked up. It is very charming and very hard to resist.
JAC and I had a great time. I think
JAC was especially happy to meet his Aunt and Uncle and I really enjoyed meeting my brother's girlfriend Lindsey. Lindsey and I spent an evening together building a fence for my mom's dog "
Sweetpea," and I'm pretty sure that means we're now best friends. Other highlights of the trip included catching a opossum (a sure sign you're in Texas), doing some heavy duty Easter Shopping, and meeting my new baby cousin Phoenix. It is hard for me to pick a highlight of the trip but I think what I enjoyed the most was watching my dad play with baby
JAC - he's hilarious with him, and running a 5K race with my mom. I grew up running with my mom and it was really fun to jog through town chatting and looking at old houses.
Despite all of our Texas fun
JAC and I were both really glad to be home. It was awesome to see Jess again. Two weeks is a long time and I was missing my friend. Jess couldn't believe how much
JAC had changed and
JAC keeps changing. When we got home from the airport we put
JAC on the floor so he could wiggle. He immediately grabbed his feet and started rolling around. We both thought it was very amusing.
I'll end this post with few unrelated random thoughts. While we were in Texas my older brother proposed to his girlfriend and she said "yes." I am happy Lady will be joining our family and I'm looking forward to the Miami wedding. ( I am going to have to go to work on my beach body) I am starting school in two weeks and I am excited. I feel like this is a dream come true and I can't wait. If anyone knows someone looking to make a little extra cash by babysitting on Fridays send me a note. Finally Jess is taking his Fundamentals of Engineering exam on Saturday. The test is hard and Jess has spent many hours studying. I am asking everyone to pray for him on Sunday. I have great confidence in his abilities but I have even greater confidence in the power of God.