A Blog about a clever boy and a mom determined to out-smart him.

Saturday, January 2, 2010


I went to happy hour a few nights ago with a bunch of work friends. We were debating personality types. I swore that I was in no way "Type A." My friend Toni laughed and said I was a special kind of "Type A." I didn't use a straight forward approach but instead disassembled the whole system one piece at a time from behind the scenes. She was totally right. I think might greatest ambition is to start a coup some day.

While we were visiting my in-laws we took a couple short road trips to nearby attractions. I would ride in the back seat with JAC while Jess and my father in-law rode in the front. At first I thought this arrangement worked out perfectly. JAC and I shared his fish crackers and played games. Then things started to go wrong.

The guys did that annoying guy thing that I hate the most. They turned off the heat insisting they were hot and it was much more comfortable for the car to be a frigid temperature. JAC and I sat in the back cold and irritated. Next, they turned on "Old Man Music." It wasn't even from our decade and it was horrible. I quickly moved from irritated to angry.

Then I saw a glimmer of hope. Since I rarely ride in the back seat of our explorer I hadn't realized there was a second set of radio controls in the back seat. This was my chance for control - maybe even world domination. The guys would turn it to a horrible radio station and I'd switch the channel. They would turn the sound up and I would turn the sound down. They put in a boring CD and I switched it back to the radio.

They were going crazy in the front seat trying for figure things out. They were banging on the radio, hypothesizing that the radio was stuck in search mode. They even discussed the situation at breakfast the next morning. The whole time I was secretly laughing. They never figured it out but they just about went crazy trying and I relished my tiny bit of control.


At January 11, 2010 at 6:03 PM , Blogger Leigh T said...

Thanks for the laugh. Well done! Only you could pull that off for so long. Those boys really need you, they just don't know it yet.


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