A Blog about a clever boy and a mom determined to out-smart him.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

A Revision

Yesterday we celebrated JAC's birthday. We ate cake. We took lots of birthday pictures and we opened presents. We had a great time celebrating this momentous milestone but one thing kept bothering me. Why did my parents not call and wish JAC a happy birthday? Had they forgotten the birthday of their only grandchild?

Finally last night I called me mom and questioned her. She started laughing. Yesterday was the 18th. All day I thought it was the 20th and in my enthusiasm, happily thought it was JAC's birthday. I'm not really sure what happened.

So, on Sunday we will eat leftover cake, take birthday pictures and re-wrap JAC's present. If we make it to church give JAC a big hug because Sunday is JAC's birthday. Some December babies claim their birthdays are forgotten in the shadow of Christmas. JAC's was twice remembered. Perhaps, I should buy a calendar.


At December 28, 2009 at 12:43 PM , Blogger Leigh T said...

Now that made me really laugh! So funny. Good job mama; make sure you tape this post in his baby book.


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