A Blog about a clever boy and a mom determined to out-smart him.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Dog, Cat and The Head

My parents have started to collect animals.  I don't think they have done it intentionally but they now own two cats, two dogs and one fluffy kitten.  While I was in Texas I was thankful for every furry creature because JAC found them endlessly entertaining.  He would beg to go out first thing in the morning and spend hours outside following the cat around holding its tail.

My mom has a new white puppy named Queenie. She loves Queenie.  Queenie is a typical puppy and wild. She spends most of her time tackling the cat or harassing the kitten. One day we looked outside and she was obviously eating something dead. Instantly my heart sank. She had been playing too roughly with the kitten and I was sure she might have killed Fluffy.

I ran out to check and assumed the worse. It was a small dead furry creature. I ordered JAC inside because he loved the kitten. When I caught my breath I gave the dead creature another look and was relieved to see it was squirrel. The cat must have killed it and severed its head. Now Queenie was devouring it with glee. My mom was shocked and ordered us to get rid of it.

As my dad collected the carcass Queenie refused to let go. She grabbed the head and took off! Mom kept shouting, "The head, the head, get the head!" The little white dog was racing around the yard masticating the head into mush. We couldn't catch her and mom was horrified. Her beloved puppy was chewing on a head.

By the time Queenie was caught the head was finished. There was nothing left and we couldn't look a the little dog in the same way again. The playful little puppy just looked like a "head-eater to us." Mom even begged me to buy Queenie a tooth brush so she wouldn't have "head-breath," but I refused. I wasn't getting near that little dog for a long while.


At October 18, 2010 at 7:47 AM , Anonymous Jill H said...

Oh My! I'm not sure whether this is more funny or more disgusting. Keep in mind that dogs are carnivores, so she really didn't do anything out of the ordinary... but it's still nastily funny and I wouldn't be letting her get near enough to lick me anytime soon.


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