This has been a weird week on the blog. I'm in a strange mood and everything I write seems over-complicated. I promise next week I'll be back to writing my usual fluff.
I haven't read a good novel in years. Part of me is beginning to believe I have read every good novel. A huge part of me believes all novels written in recent years suck. As a stay at home mom I have lots of free time but its not novel-reading free time. I can't lie on the couch for hours gulping down great literature. Instead I have tiny chunks of time often interrupted by major or minor mishaps.
Instead of reading novels I primarily read periodicals and the nicest thing happened. My neighbor bought me a subscription to the Economist. Awesome. I walked her dog all summer and she surprised me with the subscription. To me the best gifts are useful things that you want but can't get. A gift is even better if someone remembers you saying you wish you could have such and such but... That is exactly what happened. She is such a good neighbor.
I also bought myself a subscription to Backpacker Magazine. I don't anticipate backpacking this year but I like to think of myself as the backpacking type. Plus, I love the trail reviews and the scenic pictures.

Finally, I want a new car. I've been thinking this over a lot and I know exactly what I want. I want a vanagon! I just love the idea that one day I could be driving on the beltway and decide I wanted to go camping. I could give Roxy and JAC a wink and we could take the first exit to the mountains.

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