A Blog about a clever boy and a mom determined to out-smart him.

Monday, February 2, 2009

A Boy's Best Friend

My son is currently upstairs sound asleep with the vacuum running right next to the crib. No - Unfortunately we did not get a maid. Instead, late last week I made a discovery. JAC was screaming non-stop and I had just about lost it. Finally I put him in his crib, dragged the vacuum into the room and turned it on to drown out the noise. Instantly JAC was quiet and sleeping. Lest you think I am totally heartless, I came up with the idea based on JAC's performance the night before. My friends from the office were having a happy hour and I really wanted to go. I begged Jess to come with me and bring JAC along. The bar was rocking with loud music and loud people but for the first time that week JAC was sleeping peacefully. He loved the bar! I decided that this was a sign that either I was supposed to drink more or JAC is destined to be a wild man but it did help me understand that he likes a little noise in his life.

In an effort to loose the baby weight, JAC, Roxy and I have started training for a half marathon. Today all three of us went for a 4.5 mile jog. While I understand that we still have a long way to go it was great to be outside and it is great to have a goal. Roxy did well. I tied her to the stroller and she jogged along taking only momentary breaks to lunge at oncoming bikers. After the run I sat on a park picnic table feeding JAC while I looked at the Potomac and Roxy stood guard against any potentially dangerous bicycles. She has always hated bicycles - even when she was a baby.


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