A Blog about a clever boy and a mom determined to out-smart him.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Explosive Revelations

I have found that having Jac around is quite the explosive experience. There are explosions of poo which Jess seems strangely proud of. There are loud explosive bouts of crying and yesterday Jac added an explosion of a new kind - explosive spit up. I was using the Tutu burping technique and rocking Jac back and forth when his eyes bulged and his face grew suddenly red. I stared at him for a moment and then out of nowhere milk came flying out of him. It was shocking really and I barely dodged in time or I would have been covered in baby spit. I found the shear velocity and distance quite impressive and was slightly tempted to measure it but it was way too early in the morning for that much motivation. I told Jess and of course he was puzzled and impressed. The incident has left me much more cautious.

Last night I asked Jess to go to bed early with me. I was trying to make up for my bad behavior the previous night (I kicked him out of the bed for snoring) with some sweet talk and cuddling. As we crawled into bed Jess asked me if he could sleep on my side of the bed. I was immediately taken aback but complied. After a short interrogation it turns out that Jess has always wanted my side of the bed claiming that since he is right handed he would would like to sleep on the right side of the bed. I do have to give him credit for not saying anything for almost three years of marriage but secretly have to admit I'm having a hard time adjusting to this revelation and miss my side of the bed.

Jess was kind enough to take me out to dinner tonight. It was nothing fancy but it was so nice to see the outside world. Jess' eternal optimism makes almost anything seem possible including taking a 3 week old out to dinner. After dinner we stopped at Babies R Us and bought a baby sling. Jac has decided he doesn't like to sleep in his crib alone. The result is long periods of crying unless I'm holding him and I can't get any of the household chores done. I'm hoping the sling will do the trick. I'll keep you posted.


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