A Blog about a clever boy and a mom determined to out-smart him.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Dads vs. Moms

Last night I was feeling particularly depressed, cranky and exhausted so when Jess offered to do the last feeding of the day I quickly took him up on it. Unfortunately for Jess, it turned out Jac wanted to eat at one in the morning instead of his usual 1130. Being heartless and grouchy I kicked Jess out of bed to feed Jac. Jess returned 30 minutes later with Jac screaming in the background and announced he needed sleep and went to bed. To be fair Jess did have to work in the morning. I got out of bed furious and went to see about Jac. My anger quickly reached a boiling point and I decided to make Jess pay. I slammed every kitchen cabinet and threw a shoe against the bedroom wall to ensure Jess wouldn't get any sleep. In retrospect I realize how childish this was and Jess being 11 years my senior was wise enough to stay in bed and not participate in the argument that I was inciting. This morning we chatted on the phone and both apologized and I realized how good it is that Jess doesn't share my fiery hot temper.

Jac has been suffering from colic and it always seems to kick in about 6:00 at night. He screams almost inconsolably and my answer is usually to put him in his crib and let him cry it out. Tonight when I got out of the shower I noticed the house was unusually quiet and went looking for Jess and the baby. I found Jess in the baby's room slowly making him do leg exercises to help his stomach feel better. Jess has so much more patience than I do and he is also a lot more fun. Leg exercises quickly became attempts to make Jac act like he was skiing or marching. Jess was having a loving it and I thought I saw Jac smile. Jac is lucky to benefit from such a great dad.


At January 28, 2009 at 2:45 PM , Blogger mom said...

Here's hoping Jac inherited his Dad's and not him Mom's marching ability! (-:


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