A Blog about a clever boy and a mom determined to out-smart him.

Monday, March 28, 2011


I love it when my house is completely quiet.  Someday I want to built a house with a special quiet apartment just for me.  I could go up to my apartment and work on my projects in complete solitude.  Most importantly, kids and husbands would not be allowed.  Just imagine it as a Mom Only Club. 

Before I became a parent I spent lots of time alone and really enjoyed it.  D.C is an especially good city for being alone because there are great museums, shows and cafes.  There are also great walking trails where you can enjoy nature without feeling conspicuously alone.

I'm getting a bit out of practice being alone but on Saturday I was sick of everyone.  When Jess finally arrived home from Saturday school I took off.  I felt like a wild woman but my plans were pretty mild.  I bundled up in twelve layers and walked around the monuments at dark.  My head felt instantly more clear. 

Later in the evening I joined the Lantern Lit Tour of the Cherry Blossoms.  It was a tour led by a park ranger carrying a lantern.  He discussed the history of the Cherry Blossoms, their cultural significance and wove a wonderful tale about FDR creating the Jefferson monument.  It was a lovely way to spent a night out without Jess and JAC.

On the tour I learned that a few great women petitioned for the planting of the cherry trees and fought for their preservation.  When the Jefferson Monument was about to be built a group of women chained themselves to the cherry trees in protest.  The trees were removed and replanted but I couldn't help but smile at the story.  Women have such a great way of bringing beauty into very ordinary settings and preserving its significance.  If left up to a bunch of men, the world might be a much uglier place.


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