A Blog about a clever boy and a mom determined to out-smart him.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Sharing is a common theme around the Connelly household.  JAC struggles with sharing and he doesn't have a sibling to push him around and force the issue.  Sharing seems to be one of those key human requirements that must be practiced consistently.  Lately I have been thinking about sharing because it can be profoundly powerful.  Sharing placing two individuals on common plain - an equal level.  This leveling creates vulnerability but can be foundational to building something great.

Last week my wonderful preacher's wife shared a whole afternoon with me.  It was a gift of time but it was extra special because she shared her love of quilting.  She is an impressive quilter and produces quilts the quality of great art.  Her enthusiasm was instantly contagious and she gave me a rotary cutting mat, quilting ruler and beginners book to get me started.  I have been hooked.  The combination of construction, color and creativity have proved entirely therapeutic.  I am so grateful she took the time to share her craft with me.

Later in the week I received a call from my brother.  He asked my advice on a "non-parenting" subject.  My older brother has been keenly aware that I am sensitive about loosing my identity to the mess of mothering.  He has been astutely sensitive and goes out of his way to ask my opinions on world affairs or public policy.  His vote of confidence in my thoughts and ideas consistently brightens my day.  I am so proud that he is willing to share his confidence in me.  It compels me to be a smarter person.

What have you shared lately?  Have you shared your time, resources, or talents? Has someone shared something noteworthy with you this week?  I want to end this post on a funny note so I'll share a goofy video that most mothers will relate to.  I hope you're having a great day.


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