A Blog about a clever boy and a mom determined to out-smart him.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Notes on Valentines Day

Every year we do the exact same thing for Valentines Day.  I make heart shaped cookies and Jess buys me grocery store flowers.  This makes us both happy.  I truly believe more people would be happy if they kept their expectations low and found more joy in the simple things.

I ate about ten cookies or maybe it was twelve.  I quit keeping count but I am so excited for warm weather.  Now I can run off those icing covered treats.  I went running today and felt horrible.  I hate having to get back into shape after a long cold winter.

One of the highlights of my Valentines Day was listening to a story about Panda love on Metro Connection.  Metro Connection is a radio show that showcases interesting things about our city.  They did a story about the Pandas at the Smithsonian Zoo.  Apparently, Pandas have a one day a year mating season.  It is very important that these pandas get it just right because pandas are going extinct.  Unfortunately our pandas just can't seem to get the hang of it.  Instead the female pancakes on the floor and the male steps on her.  A team of volunteers have been watching the pandas on video around the clock because they don't want to miss "mating day."  On "mating day" if the pandas can't get the job done science will intervene and the zoo keepers will perform artificial insemination.  Of course I find this story hilarious.  Why do I find it hilarious?  Because I am childish.  I posted the link.  Check it out.   Panda Love

I've been working on finding little ways to let Jess know I love him.  He's working really hard lately and I don't want him to forget how grateful I am for him.  I've left him a card, bought him new socks and taken out the trash several times but I'm running out of ideas.  What simple things say, "I Love You," to you?  My favorite is warm coffee.  Jess makes a fresh pot for me every morning and it is waiting when I wake up.


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