A Blog about a clever boy and a mom determined to out-smart him.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Friday Adventure - Parkapoluzza

When I heard the forecast for Friday I knew we had to go to the zoo.  The weather man predicted beautiful, warm, sunny, spring-like weather.  The weather didn't disappoint.  It was in the forties by nine in the morning.  Unfortunately our car was in the shop and I had to cancel our zoo adventure.

We decided to take full advantage of the great weather.  I declared it "Parkapoluzza" and attempted to visit as many parks as we could walk to.  It was a blast.  Roxy, JAC and I would play at one park until we were bored and then load up and head to another.  We spent all day in the beautiful sun.  I even sat in the sun reading a book, working on my tan in a sleeveless dress and JAC napped.  It was my happiest day of the year to date.

When Jess returned home we ate green chili stew and picked up our car from the shop.  I'll include the recipe for the green chili stew because it knocked my socks off.  It tasted like the stew I ate in New Mexico.  The green chili sort of dissolves and creates a rich gravy.  It was so delicious.  Green Chili Stew 

To finish off our perfect day the whole family took a long walk to buy frozen yogurt.  I checked the weather forecast and I know we have at least one more day of snow in route but it looks like a warming trend is starting.  I feel like I have hope.  I feel like I could sing really loudly.  I think Parkapoluzza was the perfect way to celebrate the warm weather.


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