A Blog about a clever boy and a mom determined to out-smart him.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Bad, Ugly, Horrible

I just finished my least favorite bi-monthly chore.  I hate this chore so much that I gag when I think about it.  Twice a month I go to the grocery store.  I buy large packages of meat, separate it into smaller meal-sized portions and freeze it.  This saves significant amounts of money.  It is also completely gross.  Another thing I really hate about this chore is that you cannot procrastinate.  You have to complete the meat division as soon as you get home or your refrigerator will be filled with rancid meat. 

I grew up watching my mom divide portions of meat in the same way.  Unknowingly she passed on her near neurotic frugal tendencies.  Today I pondered, "If we had all the money in the world, would I still buy meat in bulk and separate it."  I knew my answer was "Yes."  I hate this chore but I just can't stop.

While you can't procrastinate with raw meat there are tons of other things I readily procrastinate about.  I once took a personality test that said I do my best work after a long bought of procrastination followed by frantic segments of work.  The test provided me a life long excuse.  Today I am procrastinating on completing a large mountain of laundry.  I really want to do my best work on the laundry and thus it will wait until tomorrow.

New Mexico is sometimes called the "Land of Manana." This means it is the land of tomorrow and nothing gets done quickly.  I have heard that parts of Europe share the same motto.  I can't confirm this but I know today I am embracing it.  My floors are disgusting.  My bathroom is worse.  My closet has more clothes piled on the floor than hanging up but I think all of this can wait for tomorrow.


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