A Blog about a clever boy and a mom determined to out-smart him.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I'm Loving It

I just returned from my late night walk.  It has grown too cold to run with a baby so instead I bundle up in six layers and take the dog on a brisk thirty minute walk after the my kid is in bed.  At first I hated walking in the cold but now I look forward to my daily stroll.  It is nice to have 30 minutes of complete quiet in my life every day.  I think I might continue my late night walks even after the weather grows warm again.

I know it is called the "Terrible Twos," but lately it doesn't seem terrible at all. I love teaching JAC new things and it is amazing how fast he picks things up. A few days ago I taught him how to sort the silverware while I unloaded the dishwasher. He loves the chore. I hope I can keep convincing him that work is fun.

My husband has been really busy studying lately but it has been nice to have the T.V off in the evenings. I've been working my way through a book on civility and have found it absolutely compelling. Without T.V I've been able to read through half of my Economist Magazine each week. I feel smarter and dorkier.  I could get used to this.

I can't totally give up T.V and of course I need my daily NPR because I'm hooked on watching the chaos unfold in Egypt. It appeals to my love of disaster and I can't wait to see how the drama plays out. It keeps a bored house wife's life a tad more intriguing.

This weekend my husband received a call that the church needed to be shoveled out. He didn't hesitate. In fact, I think he relished in the opportunity to serve. Within 10 minutes he had JAC in the car and all of our shovels in the back. We had a shoveling party at church and even JAC chipped in wielding his own small shovel. Both JAC and Jess seemed thrilled to be digging in the snow and it was awesome to watch my husband teach JAC about service.

I made some great pumpkin bread. Pumpkin bread goes perfectly with cold weather. I'm heading upstairs to grab a bite. I have a new friend coming over for coffee tomorrow so I have lots to look forward to. What are you loving tonight? I'm loving pumpkin bread, freshly mopped floors, my awesome husband and brisk, cold walks.


At February 3, 2011 at 6:19 AM , Blogger Leigh T said...

I am loving the sound of my children giggling during a warm bath, electricty, my heater, the winter wonderland outside, and the blazin hot summer that we'll enjoy come June. Hope you are staying warm out there; we are doing our best here. I am also thankful for my awesome kids who are thrilled to be inside (day 3), eating popcorn and watching Barney all day. Maybe in a day or two I will write "I am thankful for Barney" but I am not there. yet.


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