One a Days
Pre-season athletics always brings Two a Days. This is jock jargon for two grueling work outs a day. Coaches use this torture method to get athletes in shape quickly before the season starts. It also serves as a right of passage and creates team unity.
Nothing has been harder on my ego than becoming a mother. I have never liked myself less than as a mother. Things that once contributed to my self worth are no longer relevant and let's face it - there is nothing more humbling than routinely being outsmarted by a one year old.
In an effort to improve my moral I created a list of small things I try to do once a day. It is like mom training camp. It sets the conditions for a more productive day and acts as a barometer for success. When you are running a marathon once inch at a time it is hard to see any progress. These tasks are very simple but never fail to help improve my day.
1. Put on real pants and real shoes. A perk of being a mom is the uniform. You could live in PJ's and it wouldn't matter. Real clothes remind me that raising a kid is a job and I should take is seriously - most of the time.
2. Walk the dog. Even if we only go around the block we all have a better attitude after some fresh air.
3. Listen to NPR's song of the day. The songs are unique and add depth to a day full of diapers
3. 25 crunches. I usually do them on the kitchen floor while JAC eats his breakfast.
4. Wash the kid. You actually don't have to wash your kid every day but I think I like him better when he is clean.
5. Read my Bible chapter.
6. Make the bed. I always start with the bed and it often creates enough momentum to get more cleaning done.
7. Put on lipstick and mascara. Feel free to judge me. I feel prettier with a little makeup even if I don't always have time to shower.
Happy Friday!
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