A Blog about a clever boy and a mom determined to out-smart him.

Monday, May 4, 2009


Last night Jess and I were watching late night television and yet another show featured a woman having an affair. In the show the woman proclaimed she had the right to have the affair because her husband had emotionally shut her out and neglected her. At that moment I felt really discouraged because I feel like marriages are really under attack. I recently found out that another person I care about had an affair and now her marriage is in shambles. It seems to be a growing trend among people in my age group and I can't help but feel that it is partially because marriages lack support structures such as church and family. When Jess was deployed I was really really lonely and our marriage felt like a desolate desert. Jess was exhausted and every time I talked to him he was grouchy and generally out of it. It was really hard to remember the sweet fun loving guy I had married. Luckily a great group of people at my church adopted me, prayed for us and kept me company. One night after hearing me moan about my marriage a good friend of mine pointed to a picture on her fridge of she and her husband. They looked really happy. She told me that this was a picture from her birthday but not on a good year. Instead, she said that this was a really tough year of her marriage and she had committed to a lot of prayer. She said God had answered her prayers and they were now happier than they ever had been but she kept the picture on the fridge to remind her of the power of prayer. That advice really fortified me and helped me make it through a long deployment and I couldn't help but fell really blessed this weekend as I thought back because now Jess and I are happier than we have ever been.

Thursday is the National Day of Prayer and I am committing this week to pray for marriages especially those marriages that are struggling. I am also praying that God will bring support to those people who feel really alone in their marriages. I'm asking my blog readers to spend a moment in prayer this week too because I know the devil is relentless but that God can do amazing things.


At May 12, 2009 at 1:52 PM , Blogger Leigh T said...

What a noble prayer; thank you for the reminder and challenge to remember those who need our prayers the most. May all spouses remember Our God's faithfulness and in that memory be encouraged to honor the covenant they made. I join you in praying for marriages, the strong ones and the ones that need strength.


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