A Blog about a clever boy and a mom determined to out-smart him.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Tonight JAC and I went out with my friend Cate for dinner. It was great to hang out with her again and JAC was on pretty good behavior. When we got home it was JAC's bed time but I delayed for a few minutes because my favorite T.V shows were on. I was glad I did because JAC was acting especially cute. He's been pretty grouchy the last couple of days so it was a treat to watch him smile and laugh. He has gotten to be a crazy kid already. When I try to sit and hold him he spends the whole time trying to flip over so he can learn to crawl. Instead I have to let him stand up in my lap. When he gets tired of that he loves to be tossed in the air - the higher the better. He thinks it is hilarious and will laugh and laugh.

It's amazing how smart he is getting. I must spend more time on my cell phone than I realize because when I put the phone to his ear so he can talk to his dad or his Nani he'll try to hold the phone. His eyes get big, he'll start smiling and then he'll try to talk into the phone. Its pretty cute to watch. Unfortunately midway through a conversation with Nani he started trying to chew on my phone.

We had had a pretty good night and I fed him a snack and was trying to get him to settle down on my lap when he started making this weird grunting sound. Every parent knows what is coming next. JAC let out a huge poo and it exploded out of his diaper all over me. I screamed - like a girl and ran to his room holding him out in front of me. I stripped naked, trying to get the poo off of me while he lay on his changing table laughing at me. Uck! Disgusting! My kid is crazy and I decided that was enough. It is now an official rule in this house. Pooing all over your mom will get you sent to bed.


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