Back in the Swing of Things
I haven't written a blog post in over a week and I have so many interesting things to write about. Every once in a while I fall into a writing slump and the only way to get out of it is to start writing. I need to write about tiger sitings, a trip to the zoo, the Marine Corps Ball and the Holidays away from home. But, I think it is time to write a "Why I Love My Husband Post." I try to do this every few months because I feel there is an unfortunate shortage of people unabashedly loving their spouses. Jess takes great pleasure in finding these posts hidden between stories of our kid and antidotes about my daily adventures. So, here it goes - Why I love my husband in December:
1. He lets me drive. Over Thanksgiving we took a long road trip to southern Nepal. The road wound through the country treacherously and brightly decorated trucks passed without hesitation on blind curves. We had several near death moments but Jess maintained unwavering confidence in my abilities. His confidence in me empowers me to be stronger and more capable.
2. He supports my adventures. I'm heading to India for four days. JAC will spend the weekend with his dad and they already have plans to visit Santa. I can't wait to see a bit of India. Even after working a long week Jess was willing to chip in so I could experience India.
3. He embraces Joy. We purchased our Christmas tree yesterday. I can't wait to take a few pictures after we decorate it. I think you'll like it. We will turn on Christmas music, wear our pajamas and drink cocoa. Its our family tradition and Jess and I are both really excited. Its a small event but we both find so much happiness in it.
4. Our morning routine. I sleep in until seven every weekday morning while Jess hangs out with JAC. I wake up to fresh coffee and JAC has been fed breakfast. On the weekend I take over but five days a week I stay warm under the covers.
Now it is your turn. Why do you love your significant other today?