A Blog about a clever boy and a mom determined to out-smart him.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Curiosity Killed the Mom

I wanted a curious child.  I enjoy spending time with curious people and consider it repugnant to spend a day with  a person who lacks an inquisitive mind.  To foster JAC's curiosity I have spent hours explaining things to JAC, pointing out things of interest and asking him questions.  My parenting may have backfired once again.  I might have reached my limits of curiosity.

JAC has started asking the same three questions dozens of times each day.  While at first it was cute, now it is driving me bonkers!

JAC wants to know the origin of every sound.  Any noise merits him asking, "Sound mom - what's that sound?"  This is especially irritating on a hot run.  While pushing a 40 pound stroller I pause mid pant to explain car sounds, truck sounds, bug sounds, and construction sounds.

JAC constantly asks, "What choo doing?"  He also asks, "What's he doing" or "What dad doing."  A few days ago I had to give a detailed explanation about the men cleaning out our sewer.  Today he queried me about the activities of our local food truck vendors.

JAC frequently locates me and says, "Come see mom!"  His request is so heartfelt and brimming with enthusiasm I can hardly resist.  JAC drags me to the window to view every bird, bus or bug he sees.  By mid morning I feel inclined to shout, "Please just let me drink my coffee in peace!"


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