A Blog about a clever boy and a mom determined to out-smart him.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Friday Adventure and Other Unrelated Things

This Friday we made the trek to the post office, waited in a long line and finally submitted the paperwork for JAC's passport.  Now JAC is ready to be a world traveler.  I didn't apply for a passport until I was in my 20's.  Jess was in his mid 30's when he received his passport.  I think JAC is one of the coolest two year olds I know and soon he will have a passport full of stamps to prove it.

I find that child behavior seems to happen in 5-6 month increments.  The previous four months were nearly blissful.  JAC was an amicable compananion and well behaved most of the time.  I was sure we were on course to breeze through the terrible twos.  For the past two weeks JAC's behavior has been horrid.  He is currently in his room loudly protesting his nap.

Today I am hunkered in my trench fighting the "great meatball war."  JAC has increasingly become a more picky eater.  Picky eaters frankly annoy me and today I had had enough!  When JAC refused to eat his meatballs at lunch I sent him off to bed.  He flew into hysterics and I heartlessly didn't care.  I let him return to the table 20 minutes later on the condition that he would eat a meatball.  Instead he masticated it momentarily and spit it back at me. I felt like someone should have shouted a warning of, "INCOMING!"  I banished him to his room. 

Trench warfare is never won in day but fought in slow increments.  I'll keep my head down and count successes.  Today I have cleaned the bathroom, washed the dog, mopped the floors, vacuumed, put dinner in a crock pot and polished the hardwoods.  Later I will go on a long run in the sun.  I might have lost the meatball war but I'll be triumphant in the day's accomplishments. 

What battles did you fight today?  Were you the victor or did you retreat  with a cup of coffee and chocolate chip cookie?  What has been your greatest victory lately?


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