A Blog about a clever boy and a mom determined to out-smart him.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Newsweek Wednesday

Most of my friends know I'm an avid reader of Newsweek. Every week when it comes in the mail I browse through the stories like a guilty pleasure. I just find it very satisfying to read something entirely non-kid related. Lately I've been swamped with school and fallen a little behind on my reading but the week I rewarded with an entire issue full of topics I have been puzzling about.

In 5th grade I was on the math team. I actually remember loving it. Somewhere between fifth and 7th grades I decided I hated math and gave up trying. When it got a little tough I decided to solely focus on topics that came naturally to me and I still regret not taking the time to learn math. This year I have tried to recommit myself to doing hard things.

Last night NPR did a short segment on doctors who were also writers. It would seem those skills are on the opposite ends of the thinking spectrum but the doctors discussed how literature helped them deal with ambiguity and writing helped them process the great questions of humanity they see daily.

Newsweek discussed a decline in American innovation and I can't help wonder if it is because we are too lazy to ask hard questions. The following story discussed how the Israeli army grew great business leaders. I credit my time in the Army for helping me stay on track when I wasn't sure where I was going. The story expressed similar sentiments and explained while American college freshman are playing video games and drinking, Israelis have already spent two years learning work ethic and come to college with direction.

This is not my personal pitch for military service. This is just my fragmented thoughts and a bit of encouragement to do some that doesn't come easily to you today. I hope everyone is having a great week.


At November 19, 2009 at 5:52 AM , Blogger Leigh T said...

I hope you have a great week too! Thanks for the chat yesterday. Want me to send you some text books to brush up on those math skills? :)

At November 19, 2009 at 10:11 AM , Blogger Jesse, Toni and JAC said...

Actually, I bought my own. I'm still try to teach myself algebra.


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