A Blog about a clever boy and a mom determined to out-smart him.

Saturday, November 7, 2009


I'm feeling a horrible sense of malaise this week and it has effected my blogging. All the good ideas have been zapped from my head. I blame Jess being out of town for the weekend. I am spending all my mental energy pouting instead of blogging. This being said, I wouldn't want people going a whole weekend without something to read so I'm posting 10 random facts about myself. Aren't you glad you decided to read this?

1. I didn't learn to parallel park until I was 24 but now I relish the opportunity and consider myself and true parallel parking ninja.

2. I drink 6-8 cups of black coffee a day.

3. I have never been to a tanning salon and I can't use a curling iron.

4. I don't like cake but could eat my weight in cookies and pie

5. I love to cook but I only own two pots. I spent all of our money on clothes instead.

6. I believe that I share many qualities with the rare and mythical animal the -Puma Roo. It's a cross between a Puma and a Kangaroo.

7. I really want to be a put together pretty girl but lack all forms of grace. Actually I'm a klutz and I've broken my arm twice, my nose and my foot.

8. When I was a single girl I loved first dates. Jess and I still try to out-do each other in our date planning.

9. A mechanical bull was key in why I married my husband. I'm not posting the story here because my mother reads my blog. Mechanical bulls are awesome!

10. I can only go three weeks without doing something bad. Before we had JAC I used to drag Jess into all kinds of messes to include shooting bottle rockets off our balcony at the neighbors.

***Bonus** Fact
I consider one of my greatest accomplishments teaching my mom how to drive stick. It is one of those memories where I felt like I was especially good at something. If you want to know how to drive stick give me a call.


At November 8, 2009 at 3:27 PM , Blogger Leigh T said...

I'll be calling! Can you teach me to dance too? I seem to have three right feet!

At November 9, 2009 at 5:32 AM , Blogger Jesse, Toni and JAC said...

Dancing! I always thought you would teach me to dance because you did Catillion. I am a horrible dancer and will only attempt after consuming a little liquid courage. Luckily I don't do that before driving.

At November 11, 2009 at 6:04 AM , Blogger Leigh T said...

Ballroom dancing I can do - I want to learn how to dance like fun people dance. Their arms are swinging, shoulders wiggling, hips jigling. They look like they are having FUN.


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