A Blog about a clever boy and a mom determined to out-smart him.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Mom Mishaps from a Mom who hasn't Quite Gotten it All Down

Disclaimer: The following is the tale of some bad mothering. I personally enjoy hearing stories of other moms trying to get the hang of things but if you don't, read no further.

Sunday night our sweet friends brought JAC some new pajamas to small group. I was delighted about having new baby gear but a bit surprised too. They explained that when they babysat for us a few weeks ago they couldn't find JAC's pajamas. I am chagrined to admit that JAC didn't have any pajamas. It had frankly never dawned on me that a baby might need pajamas. I personally have been known to fall asleep on the couch, exhausted in my blue jeans and we had just been putting JAC to bed in whatever he might have been wearing that day. Yesterday I remedied this situation and JAC is now the proud owner of 5 pairs of pajamas. He acts like he thinks they are cozy and has been sleeping great.

Yesterday was our bi-monthly trip to the grocery store. I made a list, loaded JAC into the car and gave him two toys to entertain himself on the trip. As I drove I heard JAC happily banging his toys together and then I heard something else. JAC started crying a horrible cry. It was like a combination of terror and pain. I immediately pulled over and took him out of his car seat to see what was wrong. JAC recovered quickly and upon further examination I found the cause of the problem. In the midst of his enthusiast banging he had whacked himself in the head! Next time JAC only gets one toy at a time.

When we arrived at the grocery store I placed JAC in the cart. JAC has gotten to be such a good sitter that I let him sit in the front of the cart rather than lugging around the car seat. The shopping trip went great and JAC sat happily in the cart with his pacifier and toy. At the end of the trip JAC spit his pacifier on the floor and I took it away. I didn't think much about it until I was unloading the groceries and noticed JAC was slumped forward in the cart. I thought it was strange and upon investigation learned that JAC was leaning forward chewing on the medal grocery cart! Gross. (It was also a pretty funny sight) JAC seemed especially sad when I took him out and the cart had to go to the cart shed.


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