A Blog about a clever boy and a mom determined to out-smart him.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Friday Adventure

Every Friday I try to take JAC on an adventure. It's my way of celebrating a week completed without shaking my child or locking him in a closet.

This Friday two of my elementary aged buddies invited us to a barn dance at their school. I put on my best squaring dancing skirt, loaded up JAC and headed to the event. When we arrived there were swarms of children. They were sprawled throughout the gym and the square dance caller was just about to get started.

JAC and I joined the fun. We dosey doed. We Virgina reeled. We did the gorilla rap and we had an absolute blast.

I thought kids would think square dancing was completely uncool but they ate it up. Cheerful dads danced with daughters while mom's snapped pictures. Awkward fifth grade boys paired up with equally awkward girls.

This dance was a great reminder. JAC was very unexpected and it has taken a lot of personal growth for me to get used to the idea of being a parent but it is totally worth it. Having children gives you permission to be a kid again. You get to enjoy all those goofy things that you thought you had outgrown - like dancing like a gorilla. It was the perfect way to spend a Friday night and I couldn't stop smiling.


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