A Blog about a clever boy and a mom determined to out-smart him.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

The No Good, Verry Bad, Terrible Day

JAc was horrible on the trip home. He screamed for three hours straight and then fell asleep as we taxied into the DC airport. During the trip I looked up and saw the passengers nearby with their fingers in their ears.

I think JAC wanted to stay in Texas. I know I did. Everything was so much easier with lots of family around to help. Plus, there was no traffic. When we got home and the contractor hadn't finished repairing our bathroom. I was too tired to care. We put JAC to bed a couple hours early and ordered a pizza.

I woke up early and faced a stark realization. I was alone. I had forgotten how lonely it was with no family around. Instead of being a rational adult, I cried about it and pouted. That night I finally turned on my cell on and realized in the middle of wallowing in self pity I had forgotten my friend's going away party. I cried about that too and then fell asleep on the couch at eight.

I wish I could say that this story has a happy ending but it really doesn't. I woke up this morning and I was still alone and the house is still a mess. As I read through this post I admit that I sound childish. I am determined that today I will shower. I will stop crying, go to the grocery store and not wallow in self pity. JAC's birthday is coming up and if he's going to have a cake we need more food in the refrigerator than celery and milk. At least my husband made fresh coffee.


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