A Blog about a clever boy and a mom determined to out-smart him.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

On a Walk

Today JAC and I took Roxy on a walk.  We only walked 3 kilometers but  there was plenty to see.  Truthfully walking the dog here is a largely unpleasant experience.  We are constantly followed by stray dogs who are occasionally aggressive.  I must be always mindful of both JAC and the dog because traffic speeds by.  I am beginning to believe drivers purposefully swerve to scare the goofy white woman walking a dog.  I have also realized that in Nepal it is a priority to protect your vehicle not pedestrians.  Vehicle laws here are particular.  If you hit a human it is almost better to mortally wound them.  There is a flat fee for killing a person.  If a person is wounded the driver is responsible for hospital fees for life plus lost wages.  Also there is a 100% conviction rate for hitting cows.  If you run over a chicken you must pay for the bird plus any possible offspring the bird will no longer be producing.

One of the interesting things about Nepal is how people practice faith.  Most people are some version of Hindu and Buddhist.  Every neighborhood has its own shrine to a deity and often several deities with share a shrine. 

Most Nepalis I know are very pious and stop by the neighborhood shrine daily to say a quick prayer.  Religion is largely a family event with older family members playing a key role.

This is one of my favorite shrines.  It is called the People's Tree.  I have seen several similar shrines in Kathmandu.  They are actually built into the tree and the tree grows around it.  This is the tree where I meet my Sat. morning running group.  I sit across the street while I wait and observe the many visitors to the tree.  Older siblings bring younger siblings.  Young men jump off of their motorcycles and make a quick visit to the tree.  It truly seems to be part of the community.


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