A Blog about a clever boy and a mom determined to out-smart him.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Quick Update

I have some deeper things to write about but I'll just write a quick update about our mundane life.  Hopefully I'll finish off my serious post later today.

Last week we went on our first trek and it was fantastic.  I keep meaning to write more about it but it seems like a big task.  I will say the whole family wished we could trek a few more days because we loved it so much.

In even more exciting news - JAC is finally potty trained!  I'm scared to write it out of fear of jinxing everything.  JAC is out of diapers and hasn't had an accident in weeks.  He even did a great job on the trek.  I have to say there are some advantages of potty-training in Nepal.  For instance, no one looks the other way if your kid pees on a wall on a public street.

I hired a wonderful lady to help in the house.  She cleans in a whirl-wind and loves JAC.  I was even able to leave JAC home for a few hours yesterday while I worked out, met Jess for lunch and did some quick grocery shopping.

This morning I'm enjoying Starbuck's coffee.  Our friend is moving to Pakistan and cleared out her cabinets.  She also gave us lots of cleaning products which are nearly gold here.

Our vehicle is still out of order so JAC and I have been afoot.  We took Roxy on a long walk yesterday through a more quiet neighborhood.  JAC is getting great at throwing rocks at the numerous stray dogs who follow us and seem threatening.  This is a skill I never expected to teach my 2.5 year old.

JAC and I both have a cold.  It seems to be going around the embassy and we both caught it.  JAC really seems to be feeling unwell and if he gets worse I'll take him by the Med. Unit.

That's about all my news of my boring life.  What mundane boring things are happening in your life today?


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