A Blog about a clever boy and a mom determined to out-smart him.

Friday, September 23, 2011

The Same

Many things about our lives in Nepal are very different but in many ways things are exactly the same.  I made chili last night.  I had to use Water Buffalo meat because cows are sacred but the chili tasted about the same.  Jess still goes to work and I still stay home cooking, cleaning, working out and enjoying JAC.

The raining season is still hanging on here.  Even the locals explain that the rains have stayed longer than usual this year.  Yesterday JAC and I had some rainy day fun.  We made a fort and chased each other through its tunnels for hours.  We later destroyed it by jumping on it and then constructed a jump pit - leaping off the couch onto pillows.  We finished the morning by turning his favorite blanket into a pirate hat, cape and leg cast.  It was a pretty good way to spend a rainy day.


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