A Blog about a clever boy and a mom determined to out-smart him.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


There is nothing quite like a West Texas thunderstorm.  I have seen thunderstorms in many locations but in West Texas they are bigger, louder and wilder.  JAC experienced his first Texas thunderstorm last night.  All day the air had seemed heavy and I knew a big storm was brewing.  Around midnight a loud crack of thunder shook the whole house and my little boy sat straight up in bed.  "Mommy!" he petitioned.  Terrified he jumped into my bed wrapping his arms around my waist and twisting his legs between my legs.  I hugged him tightly and we watched the terrific spectacle together.

Lightning flashed every few seconds, hail fell and torrents of rain flooded the yard.  In our upstairs room surrounded by windows we felt like we were part of the great electrical show.  I held JAC and explained that the loud "Boom" was thunder and it was the work of our Almighty God.  After every flash of light we would wait for the next BOOM.

Eventually the storm moved on and the thunder seemed less loud.  JAC looked up at me and did his baby sign language for "More."  I asked him, "More what, honey?" He replied, "More BOOMS, mom."  This is one of my favorite things about JAC.  While he might be initially fearful his courage grows quickly and he is ready to embrace the unknown.  I love the Wild West Texas Storms and I'm glad JAC witnessed their power.

JAC wanted to watch the storms and we stood by the window together in the pitch black.  A few minutes later JAC asked to check on his Aunt La.  JAC loves La - my sister Laura - with all of his heart and wanted to ensure her safety.  We sneaked downstairs and he was delighted to find La still awake enjoying the storm too.  JAC is such thoughtful, brave thunder loving kid.


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