We're Under Attack

I like to watch birds. I have written before about how much I enjoy watching the birds at my feeder. I entirely intend to spend my dotage hiking around in a funny hat with a set of binoculars looking at birds.
Typically I like birds for their peaceful happy quality and I enjoy imagining the sense of freedom they have during flight but this afternoon my bird watching took an unusual turn. I had been watching two gray birds fly around our bushes and assumed they were making a nest. I also laughed, watching them swoop down and harass Roxy.
Intrigued, I searched the bushes for the nest. Instantly the birds started squawking and waged an all out war on Roxy and myself. They swooped down from above and Roxy took cover. I was left out in the open unprotected and the bird came from up above and attacked my back. I rushed to get reinforcements. Jess came to my aid armed with gardening tools. He eventually found the nest complete with chirping babies.
The birds are now standing guard on the handrail of my front porch. Their aggression towards us is so great that they even attack the glass door when they see my dog inside.
I decided to do some research. As I suspected we have been besieged by two Northern Mockingbirds guarding their next. Here's a great website for identifying birds: http://identify.whatbird.com
This is what it said about Northern Mocking birds.
"The Northern Mockingbird voraciously defends its territory, attacking intruders including house pets and even people." I think it is about accurate.
I just talked to the mailman. He said the birds have attacked him too. He also told me several other houses on his route have been besieged by nesting mocking birds....interesting.
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